Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 7 October 1904 — Can Ton Eat? [ARTICLE]

Can Ton Eat?

J. B. Taylor a prominent , merchant of Chriesman, Tex., says: "I could not eat because of a weak stomach.' I lost all strength and ran down in weight. All that money could do was done, but all hope of recovery vanished. Hearing of some wonderful cures effected by use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, I concluded to try it. The first bottle benefited me and after taking four bottles, I am fully restored to my usual strength, weight and health." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and cures. Sold by City Pharmacy.

A household necessity; Eclipse Sheet Bluing; economical, best made. Sample 10c. Victor Supply Co., Angels, Cal. sep 23-lm