Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 15 December 1905 — Amusements In Store. [ARTICLE]

Amusements In Store.

Posters have been issued from the Ledger for a grand ball to be given Christmas night by ' tbe Amador Miner's Union at Amador . City. Music by, Bowers' orchestra of Stockton.

The Native Daughters of Ursula Parlor will give a grand masquerade ball in Jackson on Saturday evening. December 30. Costumes will be brought from tbe city to suit every one and sold at reasonable prices. As this is the first masked ball here for several years, a large attendance is looked for. The best of music has been secured, Bowers' orchestra having been engaged.

Ciumly and Mann will give a social dance in PineGrovo on the evening of January 1. On the 6th a danoe by the same musicians will be given in Armory - hall, Volcano, and the following Saturday, 131.b, tho lovers ot dancing in the vicinity of Oleta will be given an opportunity to indulge in this fascinating amusement. Posters for these events have been printed at the Ledger office. '■'■■', \y

Buggy robes, horse blankets at P. Piccardo's harness shop. Prices to suit. .<