Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 28 June 1907 — PINEUROVE. [ARTICLE]


Times in aud around our town are loukiug up. Kveiybody is busy iv his own special way providing for the tiituie. Hie incoming stage rolls iv loaded witb passengers to its upmost capacity nearly every night, wbicb signifies something doing.

We are told that some of our business men will ruaku an effort to eels brato independence day, and v>o hope that any that choose to come this way will be eutertained through the day aud evening, for we have some patriotic citizens in Pine Grove. So here's "three cheers for the land of the free and tbe home of the brave."

A Hue automobile, passed through our town from Volcano on Sunday morning, which enlivened tho monotony foi a while. The machine was 40 horse power, but cwiug to the scarcity of the necessary fuel Grille's horse power came to the rescue.

Bob Ballentine. wife and daughter, returned to their home in Davisville the first of tbe week. Miss Mattie Hallentine accompanying them for a visit.

Mrs Frank Ludekins lias been visiting her mother, Mrs Ballentioe, during Ihe past week.

Earl Liversedge returned borne tor a short visit with his parents and friends on the 15th inst. Earl has beeu employed in the mines in Tonopah for the past fifteen months.

Mrs Rube Walker and Miss Ethel attended the tuneral of Mrs Styles in Sutter Creek last week. Deceased being a grandmother ot tbe former.

Ernest Williams, a former resident of Pine Grove, has returned to our burg again.

Mrs Tom Walkei ot Oakland, is usiting relatives here. Mrs Barnes aud family took their departure for Stockton on Thursday.

Miss Maud Adams returned home, after a week's visit with friends at the county seat.

Al Berry has moved his family into the house lately vacated by Mrs biarnes. Grizzly.