Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 2 October 1908 — Falling Off in Registered Votes. [ARTICLE]

Falling Off in Registered Votes.

With one or two small places to bear from, tbo total names on tbe great register this year foots up about 2300. It may reaob 15 or 20 names over those figures. Thin is about 500 short of tbe voters enrolled two years ago— a tremendous shrinkage. Of course tbe county hns not lost either in population or qualified voters anything like tbat number. Tbe shortage is attributed to two things. ' First, the railing onV'ln naturalization. This year not more than 20 or 30 alieus have been naturalized, wbereas formerly it was customary between two aud tbroe hundred to get on tbe register preceding a national election, jibe aliens are here in as great force. na ever, but most ot them are unable to meet the requirements ot being able to read aud write tbe English language.

The other militating fact ia apathy of voters. There has been no organized eflort to arouse interest in registration. J 1.0 registration closes before the campaign gets fairly started, so tbat the local candidates Imvu littlo opportunity to get around among their supporters to see that they are on tbe register.