Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 23 October 1908 — 10NE. [ARTICLE]


Oct. '22— mlkh Ulanche Hi«miin,Mvlin whp visiting In tbe city for a wenk, returned borne Sunday.

There is a case of[smallpox in lone, but nt last reports tbo patient was doing nicely, and no other cases nre reported, although several families who have been exposed are under quarantine.

Miss tilsie Martin, who assists nt the 1. nnd rJ. depot in this place, lihh linen working at Martells this nook during tbe absence of Mr McPberuou.

Mrs Fred Miller who bas been sick with pneumonia, died nt her borne yesterday morning, and tbe funeral will be held Friday afternoou. She bas been a loving wife nnd mother, and a boat of friends mourn ber untimely death. Tbo bereaved family luivh the sympathy of the entire community.

Mrs Isaao Smith, who baa benn visiting her sieter, Mrs Uass, during the summer months, returned to her borne in New Jersey Tuesday.

Jim Amick is having bis properly occupied by Grant Prouty, painted, and other improvements bave been added.

Mrs Dunlap and daughter, Helen, wlio bave been absent for almost a year, returned | to lone Wednesday □ Igbt. We nre glad to welcome them into our midst again.

(ioo. Harris, wbo works for tbe Wbitaker estate at Cult, spent this week in lone.

Mrs Wm. Clifton visited Stockton last Saturday and Sunday. Cbas. White and wife are visiting relatives iv Tracy. loneite.