Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 13 November 1908 — RiJirjrj n In t!ic Dcacrt. [ARTICLE]

RiJirjrj n In t!ic Dcacrt.

Dr. Xachtlgnl, tbiv Celebrated African osplorot', '.v.'ir; tho Ritcet of h rich Hani* burg The Diei''s con. n youiiß m:\ii of n Nosnevrhat Bcntlmentnl tßmpei'ainont, enld dmohs other tlihit,'.-; Mint his dearest wish ivna to ride across tile dc-.'crt on tho buck of n ciunel. 110 thought Sllch a ride must he very poetIcnl Indeed. "\\y dear .veins friend,'! replied the explorer, "I c:tn toll yon how you <':i;i gel :i Idon of what riding a. camel on the deserta of Africa U like. Tnko nn office ntool, screw it up :i:-; high ns pocslhlc und put It' in n wngou without any cprlngH, Theii Boat yourEclf on the Kiocii nn:l lirvo it driven over rocky and uneven ground during the hottest wetither of July or August and ii rtcr you have not hail anything to o:it or drluk for twenty-foiu' hours, ninl then you will set a fnint idea of how delightfully noetic it Is to ride on a camel In the wilds of Africa."