Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 15 January 1909 — Grand Jurors Listed. [ARTICLE]

Grand Jurors Listed.

The following named persons were listed by tbe superior oourt ou January 5, to sol' vo as grand jurors for tbe current year:

Walter H Taylor, V J Chiohizolu, Carlo Giovanuoni, William Tarn, Ueo L Thomas, R W baulett, Joseph Kidd, Geo Woolsey, A li MoLaugblin, E C Wooster, Elmer D Uoydston, A J Sbon, A L Garibaldi, William 11 Lessley, Carlo Snracco, Andrew Peroviob, Robert Ellis, Geo. E Vela, Jas. J Nichols, Jacob Newman, William U Fithiau, David McCall, Phillip J Sheridan, P 1 .louas, Osar M Henry, C R Downs, John A Pbipps, Morris brinu, Frederick Rabb, b LevaKtji, John G Muthiij; Geo E Allen, Elmer D barney, Alffp'M McWayue.