Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 8 October 1909 — How to Keep Ferns In Qocd Conauion. [ARTICLE]

How to Keep Ferns In Qocd Conauion.

Ferns should not be placed In bull* or situations exposed to drafts. They require great care In watering. People often think they have watered their plants when the water lias only gone over the surface and around the sides of the pots, the center of the ball be ing still quite dry. This Is especially the case when the pots are filled with roots. It la neccacary that the ball should be thoroughly uoaked. There is no regular rule as t<? the time for watering. Plauts in vigorous growth require more frequent watering. Evaporation also has much to do with it. On dry, warm days, when evaporation is great, wnter may be needed twice a day, while if th« Mb* Is cool and moist two or three days might intervene without water. A liealtby, vigorous plant absorbs much water, while a delicate one can absorb but little. The soil should be examined always and If dry watered; If not. refrain from watering. When leaves shrivel and turn yellow the soil has been too dry. If they turn yellow without shriveling it indicates too much water has been given. In either CBM the roots have been abused and loat their power of absorption.