Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 2 September 1910 — REPUBLICAN CONVENTION [ARTICLE]


Harmony and Enthusiasm Mark Meeting of Delegates

The republican county convention met in the superior court room in Jackson, on Saturday, August 27th. The meeting was called to order at 11 o'clock by G, E. Richards, secretary of the county central committee. The first business announced was the ap pointment of a temporary chairman and temporary secretary.' On motion duly made and seconded, C. E. Richards was appointed temporary chairman and T. D. Davis was appointed temporary secretary.

A motion was made by Mr McKenney, seconded and carried that a committee of five, one from each township be appointed as committee on permanent organization, and order of business.

A motion by R. Webb was carried that a committee of five, one from each township be appointed as a committee on platform and resolutions.

A committee on permanent organization and order of business wa3 also moved. On motion a recess of twenty-five minutes was taken, to allow the chairman to appoint the members of the various committees. ■

On reassembling, chairman announced the appointment of the following committees :

On permanent organization and order of business, C; H. McKinney, chairman ; Chas. Shields, E. F. Greenough, James Giannini, H. E. Kay. '

The committee on credentials were composed of Scott Andross, chairman ; Dr. Schacht, James Giannini, . Wm. Lane and Chas. Shields." ■•■'

The committee on platform and resolutions were R. Webb, chairman ;

Scott Andosrs James Gianninl, T. D. Davis and F Werner.

Moved by Schacht, seconded and carried that the chairman appoint a committee of three from the county at large to recommend delegates to the state conventionn.

On mtion an adjournment was taken till 1 :30 p. m.

The convention reassembled at 1 :30 p. m., the first order of business was the appointment of the committee to recommend delegates to the state convention.

The chairman named F. Werner, Wm. Lane, and C. W. Schacht as members of this committee.

The report of the committee on credentials was read by the chairman \V. S. Andross, after the addition of the name of E. F. Greenough as delegate from north lone, the report was adapted.

The report of the committee on platform and resolutions was read by chairman of the committee Richard Webb. On motion by C. H. McKenney, tiie report was amended by striking out section 6. The report as amended was then adopted. The report of the committee appointed to recommend delegates to the state convention was read, recommending C. H. McKenney, Jos. Datson and Fred Eudey. Mr Eudey asked that his name be withdrawn. McKenney and Datson were placed in nomination by J. W. Caldwell. Dr. Gall was placed in nomi-' nation by. R. Webb. JO3. Datson asked to withdraw his name. On motion by R. Webb, C. H. McKenney and Dr. A. M. Gall were chosen delegates to the sta£c convention. Moved seconded and carried that the delegates be assssseil one dollar each to defray expenses of the campaign.

After a short recess the various townships selected their members of the county 1 central committee, tiie members selected were: Township one, H E. Kay and Dr. Schacht; township two, D"r. Woolsey. E. F. Greenough; township three, C. Wilson, Clarence Bradshaw ; township four, 0. E. Martin, Wm. Burris ; township five. A. iUcWayne, Chas Shields. ,

The convention then ? referred back to the the election of delegates to, the state convention, and on motions duly made and carried, the following alternates were selected : Jos. Datson, alternate for Dr. Gall, and James Davis, alternate for C. H. McKenney.

On motion the chairman of the convention was granted 10 days in which to appoint a campaign committee of six members, one from each township and one from the county at large. A resolution was introduced by R. Webb and adopted by the rising vote of the convention expressing regret at the death of Judge Rust, and thanking Gov. Gillett for appointing so able, a judge as the successor of Judge Rust, the honorable Fred V. Wood. It wis moved that when the convention adjourns it do so subject to the call of the chairman.

Remarks by , C. H. McKinney and Richard Webb declaring that the party ticket was equal to the best ever submitted to the people, and asked the full party support for all candidates. Both speakers declared that regardless of how previous differences may have been allowed to exist up to the time of the primary election, since that election it is the duty of all to indorse the ticket and vote it honestly at the coming election.

The convention then adjourned subject to the call of the chairman.