Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 10 March 1911 — A Duel In Undress. [ARTICLE]

A Duel In Undress.

Dueling, though not deud, was dyln« out even lv Rogers' time and was ndt taken very seriously. The poet's biographer tells the quaint Btory of how Mr. Humphrey Howartli. a surfpon. when called out made his appearauce In tbe Held stark naked. The astonished challpnsier naked him wlmt be meant. "1 know." said Howartli. ••t!:tit If any part of the clothing U carried Into the body by a gunshot wound fostering ensues, and therefore I have met you thus." His antagonist dcihin-tl that fighting a man In purls uHhtrilllbua would be quite ridiculous, accordingly they purted without further discussion.