Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 31 March 1911 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]


DIED. MELLO.— In Jackson, March 28, 1911, Mrs Lucy Mello, a native of Massachusetts, aged 78 years. FRAZIER.— In Sacramento, February 29, 1911, John P. Frazier, son of Mrs Ann Johnston of Stockton, brother of Mrs M. F. Riley of Sutter Creek, and Mrs Nellie Addington of this city, a native of Sutter Creek, Amador county, Cal, aged 47 years. MUZZEY.-In Oakland March 4th, 1911, Sybil S. Muzzey, a native of Pennsylvania, aged 80 years, interment Mt. View. MILLOVICH.— In Sutter Creek, March 26, 1911, Chris Millovich, a native of Austria, aged 24 years. John VV. Sickelsmith, (Greenboro, Pa., has three children and like most children the frequently take cold. "We have tried several kindsof cough medicine," he says, "but have never found any yet that did them as much good as Chamberlain's cough remedy." For sale by all dealers.

03690 NOTICE OF Application for Patent ..FOB THE.. 7EILA MILL SITE In the United States Land Office. Sacramento, California, Mur, :». 11)11. Notice la hereby given that tho ZK.ILA MINING COMPANY, a corporation, whoae pogtofflce address Is Ban FranclHOO. California, by Us duly authorized superintendent ard ageut, W. ¥ Detert. whose po«t omen address U Jackson, Amador county, California, lias mude application in the 11. S Laud OMce at Sacramento, California, for a patent from the United Htatns for theZKIL/V MILL BITK, in the HKJj of Section an, T. 0 N. It. 11 8., M.n.M . being Mineral Survey No. 1869, and described by tho Hold notes ot said survey as follows : ltoKlunlng at corner No. 1, Identical with thfl R\V corner of theZella Quartz Mine, Lot No. 45, from which corner the quarter section corner on the east line ot Soctlou 2h, Tli N., 11. 11 X, U.U.M bears N. 61 deg at mln. !■;., 75ii 3 ft ; thence N. HI deK. 17 uilii, W., ft. to corner No. 1; tinmen went 'iiVi VI ft to corner No. :l ; tbencu 8. 1 dog. 4H mlv X.. 3:11.6 It. tooorner No 4; tlieuce N. M deg. 11 mlv. E, 4H:n;rt., to placoof beginning; containing aBW acres. Yai lation at nil corner* 17 ilrj; 05 mlv east. Anyuniall ]iersons having or claiming any IHirtioiinf the above dsscrlbeU lot adversely to said /tillu Mining Co. will preseut their claims thereto to this ofUoe within 60 days after the flrst day of publication ot tlili uotlce, or therealter be barred. JOHN F. AKMSTUON'U, Heglater. Date of first publication March 81, Wil.