Amador Ledger-Dispatch, 7 July 1911 — Thrifty Harry Lauder. [ARTICLE]

Thrifty Harry Lauder.

There are many stories told of the wonderful thrift of Harry Lauder, the Scotch comedian. Once when Lauder was in New York he was in a wine buying party at the Astor. Everybody but the Scot bought wine. When it came his turn to buy be sighed.

"Well, boys," he said, "It's my turn to treat. Come along with me. I've got a fine bottle of old Scotch up in my room. 1 brought It over with me."

On another occasion be was with a drinking party and Instead of liquor he took cigars, for which those who treated him paid 50 cents apiece. Harry put all but one in bis pocket. He spent two hours smoking that one. After the drinking was over the little comedian went to the cigar counter and said to the man in charge. "I say, man. wud ye mind givin' me ten cent cigars for these fafty cent ones?" The exchange was made, and Harry went to his room with five times as many cigars as he had at the start.