Coronado Eagle, Volume 3, Number 2, 8 July 1992 — Just Like Riding A Good Horse" [ARTICLE]

Just Like Riding A Good Horse"

by Scott Harper

“It feels just like riding a good horse,” stated Fran “MT Brown about her prized bicycle that was recently stolen from behind the Hotel Del. “I just want it back, no questions asked,” said Brown recently describing the bike as a very close friend. Brown bought the bike thirty years ago from a young admiral's wife, during a wedding at the Hotel Del, and has ridden it to work at her store every day since. The most unique features of the bicycle are the number of accessories she has added over the years. The bike is maroon in color and has a front basket, side baskets and numerous mirrors and lights. ‘'Almost everybody in town knows what it looks like,” said Brown. She has ridden the bike almost every day to the Del where she works out at the spa and takes a quick swim in the ocean. Her current replacement doesn’t suit her riding feel. The stolen bike and the replacement have been parked in front of her store, at 1001 Orange Avenue, where she holds court to a variety of locals, daily. Her famed “Buckeye” chocolate treats are infamous with Coronado’s police and public works employees. She believes that the bike was stolen for the accessories.