Coronado Eagle, Volume 3, Number 6, 5 August 1992 — • Business — Newspapers/— 1 Coldwell Realtor Designs Directory [ARTICLE]

• Business — Newspapers/— 1 Coldwell Realtor Designs Directory

Diane Wehking of Coldwell Banker has designed a Coronado service directory making people in the community aware of the various services offered in their own neighborhood. The areas of service include everything from baby-sitting to window washing. Diane accomplished this by sending a questionnaire into the community. The response was overwhelming! People inquired about the price of placing a listing in the booklet, and were surprised that Diane covered the expense of printing and distributing the booklet as a community service to enable people to do business with their neighbors in Coronado. If for some reason you were overlooked, this is the first edition, so give Diane a call at 437-1853 to be included in the next edition, or for your free copy of the directory.