Coronado Eagle, Volume 3, Number 22, 25 November 1992 — Hold Onto Your Handbags Ladies [ARTICLE]

Hold Onto Your Handbags Ladies

There is a team of purse snatchers operating in the vicinity of the 1300 block of Orange Ave. and already they have obtained some $2,000 in cash and property. Coronado Police Investigator Keith James said there have been eight incidents since August James said the snatchings occur between 6:30 and 11 pm, the victims ranging in age from 22 to 70 years. Six of them suffered minor injuries when they were knocked to the pavement On Monday, Nov 22, a store owner was attacked for her purse at about 6:30 pm. The department is seeking two suspects, described as tall and thin and in their early 20's. One is black and one is white. James warned that women should stay alert. "It's better to give up your I property than to get hurt," he added.