Coronado Eagle, Volume 8, Number 21, 21 May 1997 — It’s Wrong To Move Our City Hall [ARTICLE]

It’s Wrong To Move Our City Hall

It would be wrong, wrong, WRONG, to move any city hall offices into the new police facility. Mr. Mayor, you say you campaigned for less congestion and fiscal responsibility. Traffic and congestion would most certainly increase with any additions to the police facility. Future citizens will be burdened with new expenditures to correct the false economies of your plan. Or as so succinctly quoted by councilmember Patty Schmidt in a Coronado Taxpay-

ers Association handout in 1991, “Why would anyone in their right mind suggest moving our centrally located city hall from its present beautiful and accessible site, with plenty of public parking to the pandemonium of state highway 75?.... protect Glorietia Bay and prevent further deterioration of Orange Avenue, retain city hall in its present location...” Please don ’ t consider moving the first class staff of city hall into second class accommodations. Betty Reynolds