Coronado Eagle, Volume 9, Number 22, 10 June 1998 — Nutri-Sport’s Fat Burning 101 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Nutri-Sport’s Fat Burning 101

Provided hy Nutri-Sport Coronado

Nutri-Sport Coronado specializes in many different kinds of nutritional supplements to help their customers obtain their goals. The number one question at Char and Robert Ekoniak’s store is “How do I lose fat, cut up or speed up my metabolism”? “This truly is the million dollar question and if there was something that we could bottle up without side effects and sell to make this simply happen for people we would be selling magic”says Robert. There are several things that help with burning fat but diet is the most crucial. “Believe it or not most of our customers say the easy part is working out but it is harder to keep you diet clean and healthy. When people come into the store

we don’t just sell them a bottle of fat burners and tell them that this will take the fat off’ says Char. The owners and employees at Nutri-Sport start with their customers’ diet and hours of exercise per week first and take it from there to help with supplementation. So where do you begin to lower your body fat? The body becomes more efficient at burning calories when you eat the right nutrients every 2/12 to 3 hours. Eating too much fat, sugar and junk food and soda also slows your metabolic rate down. Not eating enough protein, complex carbs and fresh fruits and vegetables and not drinking enough water plays a very important role too. Supplements enhance FatBurning and when it comes to

permanently and successfully losing weight we need all the help we can get! Using a protein supplement is an excellent way to increase your protein intake to help support fat loss like Myoplex, MetRx, opti-Advantage, Designer Protein, Protein Bars and many others. People complain that they don’t have time to make 5 meals a day so this is the perfect solution. Fat Burners are also an excellent way to fight the battle of the bulge. There are many different kinds available and Ripped Fuel, Hydroxycuts and Diet Fuel are very popular brands. Hydroxycut by Muscletech advertises that you can drop more body fat in one month than in five months without it. These products contain MaHuang/Ephedra, Guarana/Caffeine & Willow/Aspirin and have a thermogenic effect. There are side effects and anyone with a medical condition should not take these thermogenics. There are alternatives that also help with fat loss like Pyruvate and L-Carnitine for people that are sensitive to stimulants. The scale means nothing and what means something is your ratio of lean mass to body fat. Nothing beats aerobic exercise for burning fat. Running, swimming, cycling, cardio machines at the gym and even jog-walking are fantastic ways of getting our heart rate up to burn those calories. You

need to build lean muscle to drop body fat. People with a lot of body fat have slower metabolisms and when you build muscle and get down to the one digit percent of body fat your body becomes a

furnace burning fat all the time, even while watching TV! For more information visit Nutri-Sport Coronado and talk to their educated staff for your supplementation needs.

Photo by Bill van den Akker

Jacob Kelly and Tara Scots hold American Flags during the opening ceremonies of the first Olympics held at Silver Strand School.