California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 3, Number 13, 29 March 1855 — Premiums for 1855. [ARTICLE]

Premiums for 1855.

The Premiums for the Annual Fair of 1855 will soon be published in the Farmer, thus all will see the value of a ready co-operation on the part of all, in this impatient work. Those who desire to be fully acquainted with all the particulars relative to the Fair and the Premiums, and the steps necessary to take which will entitle competitors to them, should become subscribers to the Farmer, this paper publishing the list full and complete, with all rules and regulations, giving time, place, &c. Farmers and all interested should consult together upon these matters, form Committees in their several districts and take an interest in bringing forward every leading product of the country. Many new and valuable seeds, trees and plants have been discovered in California, and many introduced from abroad; all such should be carefully grown for the Exhibition so that their merits shall be fully tested. We trust a due interest will be awakened in this matter in early season. The Fair will take place in Sebtembe'r. j