California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 6, Number 4, 15 August 1856 — Page 31 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MISCELLANEOUS' THE LION CO. BRE WER V, No. I lo Plus- street, Nan Frnnrtaco. Constantly on hand a stock of ALE AND PORTER, In Barrels and Half-Barrels, Not to heevcelled in either strength or Flavor by any brewery in the Eastern States. To Cocsrrav Customers —All orders promptly executed. Please torward your orders per Expnws. N. B.—The highest market price paid for Brewing Barley. v 6-2 3m $100 Reward rpO any one who can produ n cood an Ambrotype Picture J. as we arc making, no matter iv what part ot tlie world it wus made. 'i j. \\< 'i:. Vaiai £1 i ——i J.!!> 'J 21 J j iVeie Building, for, Sacramento and Montgomery streets, SA.V FKASCISCO. To those who wish Something New and Beautiful. \\V have purchased the Patent Right ol CUTTING AMBROTYPE3 FOR THIS STATE, and are now prepan-d to take them in h style anequaled in the United State*, ot any size, frotn the smrillest miniature to a litV? size. I hereby denounce all pictures taken on glass in thia city or State, ami called Ambrotypes, if "bogus," and a fraud upon the public, beini: a miserable imitation of the genuine arable, I would i«ay to all who have been deceived und swindled with bogus pictures, Bui to condemn thin new and beautitul lnren< tion until they bare teen the Grnuinr Ambrotyprs. They are said to bethfl moat durable picture known, aa neither acid.", water, of dampness of any kind, can afreet them. Thone Imviiu' PafuarfeotypCl which they widi to preserve forever would do well to have them copied in Ambrotypes. (.roups of from two to twenty persons are taken pwfoot, AlaOf in Rrualia, Military Dress, are taken without reversing or letters. Children taken by thia new pro> oaaa in Irs* than one second. We Btill continue to execute our splendid Premium Daguerreotypes as usual. Having made great and extensive additions lo our QaUenr, tor tho purpose of ■naktag aad exhibiting our Ambrotype Pictures, we would be pleaded to have our work examineti. Our Gallery U Free to all. vG-1 Corner of Seventh. JUST received aad for sale cheap for cash,— 111 barrels Alrohol: 150 IBs Balsam Copavia, (original package J 1 cask Bath Brick j S gross Capsules , 20 doz Congress Water. 1000 ft. Cream Tartar, (warranted pure;) SO IDs Corrosive Sublimate. SO boxes Castile Soap; 100 fta Gum Camphor: 100 lbs Spanish Indigo , 20 oz Sulphate Morphine ; 300 IBs Irish Moss ; 2 gross I ...bin's Extracts, assorted , 50 Ins Oil Lemon, (warranted pure;) 24 dozen Olive Oil; 10 IDs lod. Potass , 100 Iks Spirits Nitre, concentrated: 2000 tht Sal S.xhi; 1000 Ola Epsom Salts; SOO Vt, Sup. Carh. Soda; 24 dozen P. P.Syringes, glass; 300 Its Tapiocs; 200 iross assorted Vials j 2000 ISi Wi.ite Lead; 500 IBs assorted Paints, ground in oil, 2 tons Putty | 10 packs Gold Leal, 25 gross Pills, assorted: 5 gross Sarsaparillaa, assorted; 200 boxes Window Glass, 200 dozen small sizi-d Castor Oils - And ether Drugs and Medicines too numerous to mention, all of which will be aold low, by t5-14 J. L. POI.HEMUS, cor. Seventh and J sts. j. t aiooLE. i. WAao savor Pioneer Carriage Depository. J. L RIDDLE & CO, Corner of Pine and Sansome street". San Francisco jajaaajjw, mm WE have received hy recent arrivals tv m York aud B'wtim, a large assortment ot HHs&ffi' i .iluable t'arrisujrra and Harnesses, which tbY w -£ o tfer for sale on favorable lerms. Our stock Is very M and complete, and comprises, in part— Elegant and costly Top and Open Buggies , Shifiin.' Top K.K-kaways; Extesasiaa Toe Slide Seat Buggies; Geaaatae Cosaeassl Wagons; Best ouality ol Double and Single Ilarnesarts, Ac., Of the very late.t and most fashionable styles, made..! the very beat materials, in the most thorough msnner. hy J. C. Parker; Isaac Ford's Son ;P. Dubois | J H. Gixslwin . Wood Gibson, ol New York City; L. Downing A. Sous, Coucurd, N. 11.; and other inanutacturers of established reputation Also constantly on hand, tienuine Concord Wagons, made by 1. II .wning A Sons. Concord. N. II Orders received tor any description of Carriages. We would also k 'i\e notice, that liavinj enlarged and un S roved our we oiler increased tecuities lor the iaplsy snd disposal of every description ot Carriages and Harnesses ; and, soliciting consignments, will use our beat exertion, to merit a coutinuance of the tavora heretotore ao liberally extendi sl to ua. BTORAG X at reduced rates at Depository, or over our new, large and commodious store on I'rumni street v,MS :kn Stortagt! Grain Storage !! Hathaway 4 co.s FIRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE, BfaßOlM I'OIM. Hen Francisco. No Charge for Carting. Wharfage, or Dockage "\ITE an* prepare.l to receive < train on Storage, te our FireVf proof Warehouse, at .VI cents per ton per monti,. mjm\ Ho oTHEa ell asoes. N'essels can unload into or load from the house directly from their decks, without the usual expense of Whartage, Cartage, or Dockage HATHAWAY A CO., Produce Commission Merchants, No - Clay LMf All kinds ot Produce sold at A per cent Commission Liberal Advances made ou Consignments, vS-2