California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 6, Number 10, 26 September 1856 — Transportation to the Fair. [ARTICLE]

Transportation to the Fair.

The California Steam Navigation Company, with their usual prompt and noble generosity, have volunteered to convey Stock and other Articles intended for the Fair at San Jose, freo of charge to the members of the Society --- and their Agents on the line have Certificates of Membership, so that all who wish to become members of the Society, and take part in the government of it, and exert an influence for its good, can do so. Every member can use his vote in determining where the State Fair shall be held, year by year. It is to be hoped that all who feel an interest in the welfare of the State, will become members at once. A membership entitles the holder to admission of himself and family to all the Exhibition of the Society, free of other charges. The Steam Navigation Company, we learn, will place fine boats on the line from San Francisco to Alviso; and it is well known that this Company have dono much to promote public enterprise, and have boats, officers and other accommodations unsurpassed in the United States. Our New ADVERTISEMENTS. — We beg our readers to examine the list of advertisers. There is hardly a reader that will not And some card or notice that is very important for him to know. Our journal aims to spread information, not only throii"h its reading columns, but equally so in the advertising department, for it relates to those Bitten appertaining to almost every household comfort and business commodity, based upon tbe industrial pursitsof life and the comforts of home. Beads/, look over our advertisements, they are all worth reading.

Cordage Manufactory.—-In our editorial of last week, when speaking of the factory of Messrs. Tubbs & Co., we said they manufactured one hundred and fifty pounds per day. It should have been one hundred and fifty pounds to each machint. There are thirty in the walks, and they all turn out nearly five thousand pounds!