California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 6, Number 16, 14 November 1856 — Page 125 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

COMMISSION CARDS. AGENTS FOR LICK'S FLOUR. HIRSHFELD & JORDAN, Produce and Commisaion Merthanli, No. 66 Clay street, San Francisco. | Libera] sdrsnrßS made on consignments, and Storage |iro« curwi in Fire-Proof Warehouses. HIKES, SKINS, TALL tW, IWmaf Purchased at r - /ImriHrMaiiket Cash Prices vG-15 jkwßk% *M» HAYDEN 4 HUMPHREY'S. JL Produce Commission Merchants, * 12 C'My Mreet, San Franritcn. vti II Ssß W. B MEAD. JNo II BENNETT. 4fy MEAD & BBNNBTf, JjjL, Grain and Produce Merchant!, Corner of* F.ast and MlTtThaat ill I IES. Between Clay Hnd Washington street Wharves, v 67 3in San Fiaurisco. G. P. LOCCKS, aijL Produce Commission Merchant, ST,, (i Clef street Wharf, opposite East street, San Fraaeisco. f*y Llbetal advances on Consignments, and Storage in lirst class Warphouses. vC lODui m. /. fowbb. c. s. newcuhh. sflk POWER & NEVVX'OMB, Produce Commission Merchant* and General Agents, No. i! 8 Clay street (between Drumm and Davis), v 6 » 3m San Francisco. 4fs* GEO. G. POPE klxx, Produce and Commission Merchants, *wTTii CVfly strut, bclwefn /la Ms and lirnmm, San Frattrisr', Liberal advancements made sin consignment... at very low rates ol interest. Storage in first class Fire-prool Warehouses at reduced rates. Relor to Messrs. Marondray ft Co. " Morgan, Hathaway ft Co v.VI.TSm. JOHN T LITTLE. BICIIABO IVEBS. gjjb. JOHN T. LITTLE k CO., JHP Flour, Grain and Produce Commission •*%■■» Merchants, No. 30 Commercial How, Clay street, bet. Davin and Drumm, Han Francisco. X~W blpeSat Cash Advance* made on consignments, vfi ll 3m B. C HCCOMB. I A. BEATTY. 1. 1. BtCCOIfB. McCOMB k CO.. f3r General Commission Merchants, Broadway and Batten streets. Ban Francisco Fire-Prool Warehouse, capacity ol 3,000 toast—•ti;rage uken at customary rates. TV Liberal Cash advances made and Insurant eSBCLeiI when desired. rM 3m stltfi, NICHOLAS REYNOLDS, Produce Commission Merchant and General AgenL 79 Davis street (bet. Clay nud Washington streets), Sao Francisco. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in SSlit Bl F v■■ tl <■ ra I a llagi, Also—StorhL-e lurnislied at low rales in Fire-Proof Warehouses; and liberal cash advance* made on ftOTtsig II ITSfflttS in | store. vii-11 3in. B. H. BENNETT. H. O. BLASOEL. W L KISBV. 49*, DENNETT, BI.ASDEL 4 CO., Produce Commission Merchants, STORE -HIP Corner of East and Washington streets, Han FrBOdsCO, Cal. fsV" Liberal advances made on Consignments of Flour and I i: am lit Store. *,* Storage taken at lowest rates in Fire Pro.,! Stores or Store Ship. vt>-7 3m

WH. H. SCALES. SAM'L. S. JOMNSoN. SCALES ft JOHNSON' _M_ Produce Commission Merchants ana General Agents, No. 40 Clsy street, below Davis, San Francisco I S"*"" Storage Furnished at low rntes in r'ire-Proot Warehouses and liberal Cash A<hances made ou Con-ijeiue!,!- in ; store. vfi-1 3m W.J.BLAKE. I. IK'vrilKEV. J» . ssa»> A*.. J. BLAKE ,t CO.. , _H_Produce Commission Merchants, STORE-SHIP SAN MARTIN. Central Whnrt rner Coiniuereinl and East streets. I W. J. B. & G*A will reeeiVS Flour, Grain and other pnalureon [ consignment, and pledge themselvis to do a strictly comI mission business. Ve-tsels can haul alongside our store-ship and diseharire, thereby saving the usual charge ol drayaye. Liberal Cash Advances made ou cousiiinmenu, or on merchandise stored with us. vi'.-T 3m TIIAVEI-INCi. Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Line TO PANAMA, connecting VIA PANAMA RAILROAD, WITH THE STEAMERS OF THB KNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AT ASPINWALL. For New York and New Orleans Direct. 11. 1,., 11 ;i,. I i Vulli-tti atrrrt \\ hwrr. jfffiSf* The magnificent steamship ZJLMSZ JOHN L. STEPHENS, Will leave Vallejo StSeet Wharf, with the i oiled Stales Mails, Passengers and Treasure, for PANAMA, On Till lIXOAV. - - - - MIYFMBKH AOth. At BfM, punctually. Passengers by this Line are landed on their arrival at Panama upon the Wharf at the Kailmad terminus, by the Company's Steam Ferry Heat, and proceed ately by Railroad Across the Isthmus to AspinwalL, Where the steamers of the 0 S M Steamship Company are always in readiness to convey them to New York or New Orleans Passengers for New Orleans proceed by direct steamer from Aspinwall THROUGH TICKETS. Aro furuisbed, including the transit ot th« Isthmus Passengers are notified that the tickets for the steamers of the 1 S Mail Me nu-hip Company must be pratSata I to their Agent at Aspinwall for registry and exchange, as they wilt not otherwise l-e available. WoT Treasure fo shipment will be received on board the steamer until 1- o'clock midnight, on WBDNKSDAY. November 19th No merchandise freight will be received on board after 3pm, 19th Nov . and a written order must be procured at the Company's office for its shipment. For freight or passage, apply to HiKIIKS A lIAIICOCK, Agents, Corner of Sacramento and Leidesdorff streets. ft?" A Choice of Herth, on the Atlantic Steamers is secured by the early purchase of Tickets in San IranCisco vtHS California Steam Navigation Company. - AR X A A*, I 111 A I /,•/,'. «-[!"•■*»», IsSSiitttsC UCTOHKR Ist, IMS. LatjiZETFl* I'iy.iiiurt /j iafa,',!,' Ureal wharf, at 4 . I \t. CARRYING UNITED STATES MAIL Steamer NEW WORLD, Capt. Samuel Seymour ; •• ANTELOPE. Cant, E A. Poole; " CONFIDENCE, WILSON I* HUNT, HELEN HENSI.Kt E C. M Chadwfck | J BRAG DON, Capt. I h.av rteeley , - URILDA, Capt. E. Z. Clark CORNELIA, Capt. E. Concßlln. One ol the above steamers will leave Pseine street Wliar every day at 4 o'clock P. at . (Sundays excepted.) tor H•rrs>in c n I <> and Sim klou, Connecting with the light dralt •teamen for Marysv i 1 1 c . Cola • a, and B • d B lift, For further parttrulart Inquire at the Of/tee of th» Company corner ot Jackson and Front streets. v4M SAM J. HKNSI.EY. President E. S COOPER M I. SURGEON —Office at Eye, K»r »n*Orthops»lic Intirmarv Mission street, between il and 3d, nmr ■ Bussian Baths.' San Praoclsco. All surgical operations free to patients presentingthemsvlvts st the Clime-*, on Wcdn.-ariays and Saturdays, at 2l» o clock Medical men of the cuy and Pacific Coast, generally, are respectfully invitssi SB attend Lbe Infirmary on Clinical Days, whenever U may ire orportunc fur themselves. ,M