California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 6, Number 24, 9 January 1857 — Page 189 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MISCELI *A N E4 >US. To Farmers. \ tit\t\ LM. ALFALFA, or Chill I ■J,UUW i 1,000 Ba SEED BY) . luiajc) m- California Pea Beans , IfiOO tro Rad Clover; 1,000 tr,» Timothy, or Herd's Grass ; 3S bushel- K. nt.o ky Klu" Oram A lull assortment ot ftnsli OABokIH SEEDS by every ex* press, ami guaranteed. Prenri* .t Fife's :in ami M IMB Oriel Mill*; F« sale liy '"" '"l' '" HMi SALLY, State A/ririiltniHl Warehouse, vli-24 I* M Washington st., below BaiK iy, Bu FMMMO. Pacing Stallion "Billy Blossom.'' >»flk Till- celebrated -tullion challenges (fV * ,yV jB any Pacini r'l otting Stallion in the m\ j , r rw 1 sited Statee fur from >$ii>11 vV tf It' f° n: ' r " e,i *' " ne beat*, the aaaaUnassriasasssaaln bent two in three, or Ihe best three in live, over the Pioneer Course, Sea FrßßSlsjao, any time out of hit standing season, ns may be agreed upon For further particulars inquire of II UcHALLV, Agent. -3 Washington st, below Battery, San Fiam-i.c. . tVil* Due notice will be given when und where h<> will stand. REMOVAL. Mercantile Library Association. THE KOOMS Of THK ASSOCIATION, being those formerly oeespled by the Pacific Club, on the corner •if Montgomery and Jackson streets, over the Hanking House of Mestirs Pioehe, Hayerque & Co , will be thrown Opea to the public on Monday next (15tb of lleceuiber instant) The rapidly increasing extent of the Library and the constant accession of member*, rendered it iuiiierative that more spacious apartments should be secured for the purimses of tho Institution Ihe new rooms will afford ample accommodations and will be fitted up with every regard to comfort and convenience A UALLEKY OF FINK ARTS will constitute a new and attractive feature, in the new rooms, and the attention of citizens and others huving Paintings and other Works of Art in their potasslion, is respectfully called thereto; all such objects will be received and receiptcu) for; they will be conspicuously displayed, and will be nt all timos subject to the order of tbe depositors. To artists especially this will afford a favorable opportunity to exhibit their works; and the Director? cordially invite them to avail themselves of the advantages thus offered Books of Reference, Maps. Charts and Manuscripts would be gladly received on the same conditions; also. Natural Curiosities ami BpSSIBsSBI Cot the formation of a Cabinet In order to allow proper time fir the removal and rearrangement, the Library und Heading will bo closed from this date, until Monday. Ileccmber 15th vli-»l To Architects. Pt.vss ARK BOLICTFBO FUR A BALL FOB TIIK HBCHAXICS' INSTITI TK. r PHE HALL to be in size—seventy feet front by one A bunJred an I twenty-five feet in depth, three stories high above tbe basement; the first story to be designed for Stores, the second for a Public Mall the entire length of the building, and tin-thir l Mi-i-ellaneous Tho Hall to be situated on a corner lot, seventy feet front by one hundred nnd thirty-seven and one-half feet in depth Plans for the above will be received up to the First Day of March Nixt, and for the set of plans most appropriate, and best adapted to the wants of the In-titute. tbe sum of Three HundieJ D»M irs will be paid in the Stock of the Institute, when such plans shall have been adopted by the Board of Directors. N. B —Architects will accompany their plans with the necessary explanations, and tbe probable cost of building, and in no case must their name appear on either plan or explanation; but may be designated by a private mark by which they may lis identified by a duplicate. By order of the Board of Directors ii D STREET, Chairman of Committee on Buildings Bell of the Meehaaios' lantmte, Pee. 18,1SSS r*M TKAVKLIXd. California Steam Navigation Company. jj g jjjJEJ*< A hoi t , t g£g t'.i. law. gS^Sa^ai ft jm Pa, ijic street trharf, at 4 CARRYING UNITED STATES MAIL. Steamer NEW WORLD. Capt Smim-; S 'ymour | ANTELOPE. C'.pt. E. A. Poole; " CONFIDENCE. " WILSON li HUNT, HELEN lIE.NSI.E I Capt. E C. M. Ciiadwick ; J Hit AC, DON, Capr. rims. Seeley . C ttl L L» A, Oaf*. C Z. CNUK; CORNELIA, dpt. E. CoocUln. One vi tin* shove steamers w ill leave Paeilic street every day at 4 oVlm k r. a., (Sundays excepted.) for sinrrsini'iilo an ,1 Stacktuii, Connecting with the heltt drill steamers lor Marylv i 1 1 c , Colusa, sod Bed B luffs, v6-l - ' SAM. J lIENSI.EY. President. Contra Costa Ferry Notice. CHANGE OF BKRTH. r n «*T^ h on sad -iter WEDNESDAY, Dot S2, :-v. sMeiSes-sE '■>•■ mtra Costa Ferry Boats wtD run from cornel ol Broadway and Davie streets, and will leave as toilows : SAX FRANCISCO. OAKLAND. SAN ANTONIO. At MS A. St At h)4t At 7 a. sc. 12 vi r. a. I lis) A. a. 11 ah. ] r. si. 2 r. a. Ist) r a v 6 IS tf CHARLES MINTI RN. A_CITY COACH. F ARK ONE DOLL A H . TI "' S Coach wHI run to ami groat the to the International Hotel an.l sjlTaWasr''' "" P'o "- "t tin-1 \tv, takillc i; • - A " —!»,,!!«, em-ti.'including Hagga*Ordera left at the International Hotel will he promptly itleaded i i A. RoI.ES. Please i.otice tlio Lettering of the Coaches, "International Hotel." vS-U To Florists, Nursery and Seedsmen, and Others. IV" ANTED, by an Englishman, forty years of age, a *» situation as (IAhDEXER I am an industrious and thorough practical QaidsSHf, in nil its branches, having propagated and grown Camellias. Ericas, Fuchsias, aud Azalias, and many other kinds of (iieenhoiise plants, anl a great many kinds of Evergreen, Forest, Fruit and ornamental Shrubs and Plants lam expert aud successful in budding and grafting, having had a large practice at it in an English Nurseiy ; canwcighan l pill uj -ti... wit ii vi ist people f.>r .(ati Aiie.-s . can » rite a good plain hand, and my character is unimpeachable Should any gentleman want such a person I em willing lo engage with hiiu for moderate wages, and be will find tne quite eoiinl to what I have said of myself, when engaged Please state what wag. « would be given, 4c a i trees iiikam mDOLPH, Ilarr - Kanch. IM -kenson's Ferry, v'i-Ji at* StaaieUus Ceemty, Cal " E X c I. .. s i < > \\; wai.TKK I TOMPKINS, GENERAL < >UTFITTERS, xw 11 em r«' % %|| a r 1 1, So. 17n Montgomery Street. t'.-ll SAN FKAM'ISt'o COLBY Si. BELL, ■7 1 BfOBTQOBIBtRI BTBtSBtT, SAN FRANCISCO aodli-patrli. .' Orders frow the Countiy pr.nnpt'j itteudisi to c i com ! r«-S|i ww i. SFLL. DR. s. I. ELLIOT, NOS. 4 AIM 13 B to ii |> I Hist k, C 1 (B ] Btr• • 1 1 v« IT SAN FRANCISCO. DBS. CCSBING I BRYANT, Homoepathic Phyncians, .Yd. SO Kearof mrrtt, fla«A end Pinr), SAN rBABCISOO Orrica Hoi-as—S to li a ■.. and 4tofi c w. lows /. cvshiwo. a. o. (».V7 ttl eh v o lavaNT. a. o