California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 7, Number 10, 20 March 1857 — Page 80 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

&c. NEW BTO.RE! MANSFIELD & WOOD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Sole Agents for the Sale of Messrs. WYMAN & CO.'S SUPERFINE CLOTHING, 199 AND 101 JIOVTWIIII'.IIV STREET, Opposite Montgomery Block, ARE NOW PREPARED TO OFFER THE LAHQEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK EVER EXHIBITED IN CALIFORNIA, COMPRISING ALL THE LATEST STYLES mcz* m «k> mr mm ama m:— 9 And every Variety of Superior Quality FURNISHING GOODS. ALSO, I.ORIIV IIKOOKS' FINE CALF, PATENT LEATHER DRESS AND Water-Proof Hoots. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS TAKEN FROM MEASUREMENT FOR OFFICERS OF THK ARMY AND NAVY, And all who wi.ih the Beat Quality CLOTHING, MADE IN THE MOST APPROVED STYLE, Wm. Mansfield. [v 7-2 3m] T. M. Wood. J. C. EDDY & CO.'S IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR «r a m *jl j» -■• Km ■ m«- 9 mmm* HATS, CAPS £3 JSLIS*. Furnish Inn; Good*, Aa they have uneqnalcd faeilitiea for supplying every article ol Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel, AT LOWER PRICES Than any other Establishment In the State. Call and lee for yoursolvos, at their Este'ilidiment on tho Northwest corner of Sansohb and Co-axEncrAi. stbbbts, directly opposite tho St. Nicholas Hotel, Snn Fraticiacu. The place may Iki known by the ttained giant windows over tbe door. vH-19 istf TV P E i 1 O UND 11 V AND PHINTERB' EJVrjPOKIXTIvr. ESTABLISHED IN ISIS. W. llAfsAalvir., & Co., 38 Gold street, New York City. THE subscribers desire to advise the friends and the Printing Interests generally, tliat they have recently entirely refitted the snme with new machinery, and have svaSni thmiaelves of every MODERN IMPROVEMENT which long experience and capital can command , and that they havo therefore unequal'-d lacilitles for producing TYPE of superior excellence and durability, und for supplying all orders for the same with great accuracy and promptness. OUR NEW SPECIMEN BOOK (just issued), will be freely given to nil who wish to purchafp, when applied lor. Printers will please Im- particular in dirretine how it may he aent. We also furnish every article needed in n Printing Ofßce, at manutacturere' prices. Machine and Hand HOES', 1 Dl)l7ClC<l?y 5 TAYLOR'S, ADAMS', , JT AVJCsOOLD. ) RUGGLES' CHASE'S DIAMOND PRESS (of which we arc sole agents iv this city), ami ol every other maker in the United States; Ink, Cases, Stands, Imposing Stones, Composing Sticks, Galleys (brass and wood), Chases, Furniture, Ac, ic. Orders will likewise be received for PAPER, CARDS aud PRINTER'S STOCK, of every kind. ELECTROTYPING AND STEREOTYPING iv all their branches. TYPE OOPPER-FAGED TO ORDER. Old Type received in exchange for new nt nine cents per f lound, if delivered in six day- the dute of purchase; if ater, but six cents per pound. [ tf - Publishers of newspspers who insert this advertise- , ment three times, with this note, nnd forward us a paper containing the same, will ho paid in printing materials by purchasing lour times the amount of their bill lor the advertisement. ' Second-Hand Presses (Machine and Hand) usually on sale. attention paid lo orders from California.*** Wm. Haoas, Jb* » WM. HAGAR, Jb., A Co. Johs Haoab. ) v"2 3m Pacific Oil and Camphene Works. OFFICF:—3H Commercial street, near Front MANUFACTORY—TayIor street, Ninth Reach. BRANCH—No. 51 X street, Sacramento. THE Office and Store of this Establishment are removed to No. 3S Commercial street, near From (lately occupied by Messrs. Farwell Sc Cnrtls), where they have on baud aud Mr sale In lot - to suit— 10,000 gallons Crude Whale Oil; 10,000 " Winter Oil—in bbls. and cases ; 3.000 " Sperm OU; 6,000 ■' China Nut Oil—ln jars 3,000 " Chun Nut Oil—in case 3,000 " China Ten—ln bbls.; 1,000 " Tanners' Oil, 3,000 " Lard Oil. Camplaene and Burning Fluid, Distilled fresh every ibiy. ALCOHOL AND TURPENTINE—aIways on hand. To Grocers and Bakers. EXTRA REFINED LEAF LARD Of our own manufactnre, constantly on band, In large or small lota. All sales guaranteed, and delivered to tho up-river boats or to any part of the city, free ol charge. WM. BAILEY * CO., Proprietors. vfe2o3in San Francisco Osage Orange for Hedge. A FEW THOUSAND stroiif, healthy PLANTS, three years old. For sale low, if applied for soon. Address to WM. PAUL, v 7-7 5t Mayfield Post-Office, Santa Clara County CALIFORNIA AGENTS. J. W. Sullivan, snr Post-Office, San Francisto. Wblls, Faboo A Co . at alltkeir Offices In chit StaU. PACiric F.xraxss CoMrASrr, nt alt their OJicti. Lanoton Sc Co., at all their Officas. I). McComb Sc Co.'s Expbxss. The F Anna can be found at the following places at all tlmea I'm man Sc Co. ,P. O. Ituildlng, San Francisco. 1. W. Sanbobh, Benicia. Twos. T. Hoorna, Postmaster, /(salens. M. M. Richasdson, gunras. J. M. Di'DLßr, Esq,, Napa City and County. J. W. Smith, Nana. It o.s kmi a a Van Allen, Stockton P. F. GaVANT, Deputy Pottntailer, Santa Clara. A. A. Dunham, Half-Moon Bay, will supjily thote who want papert. Vorrltrn Agents. C. M. Bajcton A Co., New York City. All order* addrested to the A—ociaU Editor, at C. M. Sazton if Co.'f, will receiei attention. J. Q. A. Wabbbic, Boston, Mass., Attociatt Editor and Corresponding Agent for Ike Eastern States, by whom .«uiarn> tiont and Advertisements are received — Office, cm rfatkingtun street. Obat, Adams Sc Hooo, IVurssryTa'*, Seedsmen and Flaritt', Kensington Road, London, Kill receicc Subscriptions for this paver. M. Di'Saco. Bookseller, Paris, will rereirr Subscriptions. * v * Subscribers can always form Clubs and transmit by either ol the Expresses, or with perloct safety hy Mull. THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. L Subscribers who do not give express notice ti the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscription 2. If subscriber* order their papers discontinued, Publtshen may continue to send them till all charges are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to lake their papers from the office or place to which they are sent, they are held Sespon aible until they settle their bill nnd give notice to dieoontiiiur them. i. If subscribers remove to other places without informii. the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direction they are held responsible. 5. The courts have derided that refusing to take a paper W periodica! from the office, or removing and leaving it umcalb > for, is prima facia evidence of Intentional fraud. ry Postmasters would oblige, by a atrial lulfllknent jptbS regulations requiring them ton sttfy Publishers, once in thrrf months, of papers not taken I nun their ofHce by subscribersI>ostn K c of the Varusrr.—The Postage of the Fasmks to any part of tbe Bute Is only fi l * reals prr quarter, or 26. ' per year. This Is the lawful postage established by Congi and when more Is exacted it Is a violation of law