California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 8, Number 5, 14 August 1857 — Page 38 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BOOKS. SAMUEL S. & WILLIAM WOOD, BOOKSELLERS, PUBLISHERS AND BTATIONERB, 380 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, mimlmfm AttK continually adding to their extenA|*/M»sive "took, by importation from Engliind iiliEir r " rftnce i as well as Amerioan Works, which they offer on reasonable terms. Merchants dealing in Books will be served at low prices LI BRARIES for Towns, District Schools, or Clubs, furnished at wholesale prices. School, Classical, Theologioal and Miscellaneous Books; Bibles in great variety, in plain and fancy bindings; Elegantly Illustrated Books, suitable for presents; Blank Account Books of all kinds; Olobes, Mans, Atlases; Writing, Letter and Mote Papers; Envelope and Wrapping Papers; Buff, White and Fancy Envelopes; Stationery of various kinds, Ao., Ao. IVI IE "TO I 0 -A. I* BOOKS. S. S. & W. WOOD, 380 Broadway, New York, Have the largest assortment of Medical Books to be found in the country, amongst which will be found not only the works of the day, text books for oolloges, Ac , but a great variety of finely illustrated works on Diseases of the Eve, Skin, Kidneys. Surgioal Anatomy, Botanical Plates, Anatomioal and Obstetrioal Plates, works of the Fathers in Medicine, Ac , Ao. \jtf Catalogue! of their entire Stock lent free of pottage to applicant!. Amongst their stock are tbe following valuable periodicals, which they offer at the low prices affixed, delivered in New York : Duncan's Medical Commentaries, from commencement to 1795. 120 vuls, Bvo. halt calf. $10 00 London Medical Gazette, from commencement to 1849. 43 vols, half calf, very fine copy 50 00 London Lancet, from commencement to 1844. 46 vola bound in 42, Bvo, half call, fine copy 70 00 London Pharmaceutical Journal, from commencement to 1855. 14 vols, half calf, eery fine copy 35 00 Transactions of the Provincial Mcd cal and Surgical Association, numerous colored plates, from commencement to 1851. 18 vols, half Morrocco, rery jine copy 35 00 Sydenham Society Publications, from commencement to 1856. 37 vols Bvo nod 1 vol. folio, full cloth, gilt tops, tine copy 100 00 Complete sets of these works are rarely for sale; several of the volumes being out of print. Medico-Chimrgical Review, from 1816 to 1847. 58 vols, hall sheep, not quite unilonn 85 00 This act includes 7 vols, edited by Drs fill—l null. Johnson and Palmer, which have been long out of print. American Journal of Insanity, from commencement to 1856. 12 vols, bound in 6, sheop 15 00 Rauking's Half Yearly Extract of Medical Sciences. 1846 to to 1855. 10 vols, half cloth 7 00 New York Lancet Edited by Dr. Houston. 2 vols, half sheep 2 50 Containing Lectures of Prulessors Mutt, Revere, Stevens, Swett; also Drs. Dctmold, Furry, Marshall Hall, John Hunter, Slc. New York Medico-Cbirurgicul Bulletin. Edited by Dr. Bushe. 2 vols in 1, all published, half call. 1 50 Journal of Health. By an Association ol Physicians. 1829 to to 1833. 4 vols, all published, sheen 3 00 London Lancet for 1843, reprint. 2 vols, cloth I 50 The following will be sent to any pari of California by mail, free of postage, at the prices affixed : Bedford's Diaeases ot Women and Children. 4thed...S3 50 "Eminently practical, and therefore valuable a, s contribution to medical knowledge."—(Southern Mod. aud Surg. Jourual. "The most valuable work on the subject ever presented to profession."—(Cincinnati Med. Journal. Ibis i.l! - Microscopic Anatomy ul the Human Body in Health and Disease. With colored platea. I vols 8 00 "Pre-eminently tbe best illustrated microscopic human anatomy that is accessible to us in this country."—[Medical Examiner. Comstuck's and Coming's Principle* of Physiology. With colored plates I 50 "It la a fascinating book lor man, woman or child."—[Boston Mi-d. and Burg. Jourual. Smith's Treatise on Fractures in the vicinity of Joints. 191 illustration* t SO • "Orient the ino-t valuable works which has ever issued Iroin the press on the subject Of fractures."—[Ranking* Abstract. Harrison'* Text Book ol Anatomy. Second Ediiiou. With engraving* 3 00 "Such a one as every student should posse**.'' [Ohio Med. and Surg. Journal. Vidal on the Venereal Disease. by G. C. Blarkman, M. D. With colored plate*. Second edition 3 50 "The be-t general treatise that hascver been published. The colored illustrations are ths most beaudful and tuithtul things of the kind we have yj| aecn."—[Montreal M.-d. Chronicle. Fuller on Rheumatism, Rheumntic Gout and Sciatica...S 00 "One of the best practical works ti modern times."—[Winslow'* Journal of Psychological Medicine. Quaiu'a Anatomical Plates. Illustrating the structure of ditfercr.t part* of the human body. 200 plates; 4to; 4th ed.2o 00 "The cheapest work ol the kind ever published iv this country."—[Am. Juur. nl Med. Sciences. - (Too large lor mail—will be sent by express.] Cazeiiavc and Schedel on Disease* of the ."kin. Edited by H. D. Bulkley, M. I>. Second edition 200 "One nt ihe mint coucise, comple c and practical treatise* with which we are acquainted."—[Northern Lancet. CHrnochan on Congenital Dislocation* of the Head of the Femur. With plates 1 75 "By fur the most complete and systematic the English language, and the only one which contains any directions tor treatment." —[British Am Mcd nud Pby. Journal. Tilt on Duicases uf Menstruation and Ovarian lull.noma tion 1 25 "A lucid and satisfactory treatise upon a must interesting class of disease*."—[Nashville Jour, of Med. and Surgery. Cock's Manual of Obstetrics 1 25 "A plain, sensible, judicious aud reliable manual."—[Kentucky Medical Recurder. Mutt's Nclpean'* Operative Surgery. Edited by Dr Blackumn, Prof. ofSurgeiy in Medical College of Ohio. 3 vol*, Hvo and 4*o Atlas ot 22 pksMa 20 00 [Too large fur mail—will be *enl by expre**.] "A work which embraces almost every known or imagined operation ol early or late times, and is indispensable as a work of reference yO surgeons."—[lll. and la. Med. and Surg. Journal. Gregory OB Eruptive Fevers. Edited by H. D. Bulbley, M. D. With colored plate* 2 75 "Abounds witli valuable information in regard to a class of disease* of very frequent occurrence and of leailu! mortality."—[Stethescope. Beet's Materia Medica and Therapeutic* 3 .50 "As a text-booh for students, we know of nu better treatise." —|Am. Jour, of Med. Sciences. Budd SB Organic Diseases aud Functional Disorders of the Stomach 1 7* "The lulle*t and moat satlafactory work, exclusively devoted to the etiimnch, that we have ever perused."—[Med. Counsellor. Chambers on Digestion and its Derangements 2 50 " A workot rare merit, and should be In the hands of evury practitioner."—[ Eclectic Med. Journal. Fonte's Practitioner's Phsimacepoda, and Universal Formulary, containing LNWO classified i rescription* 1 50 "The newest in regard to the material* which compose it, the easiest of reference, and the most valuable compendium for daily use."—[N. 11. Journal of Med. Uuain on Diseases of the Rectum, second edition, with colored plate* 2 50 " An extiemely good guide lor all who have to deal with these troublesome complaints."—| Brit, and For. Med. Chir. Review. Wi ight on Headaches/their Cause, and their Cure 0 60 '• A very excellent brochure, affording a good deal of inlorI—lllill u.iin a subject which most works say but little about-"—[Medical Examiner. Beck's Essay* on Infant Therapeutics. Sec. edition.. .00 80 "A perfect gem. We regaid it one of the moat uaelul bonks in our library. "—(N. V Med. Reporter. Coxa Companion to tne Medicine Chest. From the 33d London edition • v" 0 , 7 *, "It is ju*t such a volume a* ought to be in the hands ol the traveler by sea or by"—[N. V Msd. Reporter. Uoddard on Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Human Teeth: with S3 plates * <*> "Contains valuable information for the general practitioner as well as the deutisi."— (P-ninsular Jour, of Mediciae. John*ouand Martin on [nnuanee of Tropical Climates. .3 00 "In no work do we remember to have seen the important subject ul unnerving health iv Uopical climates ao ably, so clearly, ana so philosophically treated."—(New Medical and Physical Journal. Cooper* First Lines ol the Theory and Practice of Surgery. Edited by W. Parker, M. D., Professor of Surgery, ttc. 2 v 01..... • «<» "The nunc* of 8. Cooper and W "arker are alone sufficient guarantee o f the value of Ihe voh mes."— | Buffalo Mod. Jour. The British snd Foreign Medico-Chirurgical REVIEW ; oa, Quarterly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. ' Among the medical publications, the rery beat reprint among the quarterlies, is the Bruish and Foreign Mediso-ChtrurfJ-cal Review."—[Hall's Journal ol Health. Price $3 a year, tree uf postage, i paid in advance