California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 9, Number 24, 30 July 1858 — Retail Prices at Washington Market.—July 29. [ARTICLE]

Retail Prices at Washington Market.—July 29.

VKOKTAHLES. Potatoes, »» lh lVttsSo Csottflower, f* dos *l ■<" Sweat Potatoes,* H> 13c Onuherrtes, f gall |l 00 Lstasos P doz 50e Bunssraolsh, W —r~ i Banishes. BOa Pumpkin. :t- |- do yellow . . . 30e TouiHtocs, new, do i.u.-k, p hunch kv Oatoos, t a ~, ''ill malls' s, sjv dos Bin Rbwharil IBs Turnips, •> dos 50c Marrowhst rqaash, Mi Cal'l'tiue,.. . |1 .V) Mushroom-, opa irtll —c Bs«BS Plh Si- do cultivated ■• —c Orcen l ens IV Parsnip Sri-en lteim. tic Paisley, " Beets 3c Mass* V" , Carrots Bt Snl.ily, .. .. B»4ga.JM Artichokes, *► doi.-n... ■>1 Ocss 3TW Aiparaiiul .. pth.. — Rod Peppers .. •• «* liarlles 3.V | Open Peppers, (i,..en Okrs 18c I Unci Herbs •■ g« limculi, if head — I Orsaa torn no MRATS. . Hcei-si,M,,, renderl In, I tluttos, p B 20 * Kk> and ril. pieces. Pin 3.7.7-c l.iuiih, " £""H Pork nl. en- I Pi:;-' Toiiiiu «*rl 13c V e al 20 a 800 I cseon, imported, p I*.. 83c. Veal Cutlet California, ..37' ,c Corn.ll It."-' I*>l *> Oienon, ..rti.tll. Smoked ll' •■ -'j"-ioe Hhiii. —Cal. and Oreson . .:lOe Pork Chop -••"' do imported SO *> »>■ Minion Chops 1 oimuns, iwi'h .............a; I do smoked I OiiJl ;o rort.TßV —SAStI Hacks cseti 50»?4o Sni|ie, V doS -a — Caiiva-la.ek » Hares,saoh »l B5 (i eael Vonietm. P 1* BM ,|o laioiwt ii UuHiK p i10z....»:i <»'*:• 50 Chickens, eaoli TSeWI 00 RsMdts, each 73c»l 00 Tiirki-vs, P II MaM- -< » Hens, saoh 1 -■> I Rabliit', wild, each aoa'Wc PISH Bstsaaa, P lh- IsS—c Cr«l>», hiritc. B»doß..eß»T3c Smelt", ■• lirt'Se do Mimll fit '-.K---IVreh " I'-'e Molt CniliJ.-P doj-.ti-.' «' 7.".,U,,. Xt o 13.7 Irk' Mackerel, pickled, each... Ise CodSrh 35e do lie-li, • •. — Smoked salmon, new, . • is. Shiimps, .. -P-lb •■ lOe ,lv bftrrttlS .. •• Flounders . .. . 30«'-'.a' Tiiiucikl, I* It. .. I'.'ff ISc I -.ii R«"-, P I* ••• — *—■• I H.ttlmt, nuns, P lh Wkr OAtVT—Stlttaa, ciiekse, Fca, etc. Cal'a Batter, P m. — BSBInc ICh e-e -P lh . .3.7./.17,-Ka-tern " o!7 il "'lk- l.anl, Calilornia, mSW! F.<|a, Callfbrnls Br I * v E*tt*rn. *5 do Fanillon, " .. .—c | Hone.. ,in eoioli4> th 7oc« 100 Fill IT. Apples, If th STWaBo | Pine Apples.end Be Pears, ft., .. 50»tBI«je I Bsuranaa, * * !*2S oiHiue. -»—•■] d" -p in 1i.»3 so was Lhasa, p dozen ir:n-\r | v\fc irrtsberrlss, ¥ lh •• (Be rtrawberties, 9 Bt..lS»Bos I Ba.pberrW,B ■■ .31*0 Cherries, P B •••• —« I Asarleots,Orst, Plh— Me Ooorcberriea, 9 th.. 188 lie I B>ap*s, whtSS, aew, s] and Currsats, B th —c ! WaterßieAona, each.. .Ifiß-Vk: rasiilms, r h ISaSOs I Mu»k Melon,., each.. .B0»40c Meetatin*., P 111 SOc I Oreen Citron Metoas.MßsOs Plum-, p m lOSiaiWsads, p lh •■ •• 90e Pcaimts. p It. 10. English Walnuts, f lh laVac Pilbefts, 4' It Ms I