California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 11, Number 1, 4 February 1859 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

SPECIAL NOTICES. j fy We are ahead of the world In Ainhrotypea; we nre ahead of the world In Photographs; we are ahead of the wurld In Daguerreotypes. We have documents to prove It, the whitewashing of an anprinclpled committee at Marysville, notwithstanding; the palms of whole hands, I presume, were peculiarly sensitive to the touch ol "oro." |7 My Arnhrotypes were not exhibited at the lust Eair In this mv Please call and see the celebrated Premium Ambrolypcs that my neighbor brags so much aljouf, and it will lo- sasaj that the committee at the State Fair reversed the order of things, awarding First Premiums to the poorest articles. It. H YAMCE, 1 Corner Montgomery and Sacramento streets. fyMLREPI HLKKPI SI.KKP I "To each and all, a lair good night, And rosy dreams and slumbers light." Sleep 1 Sleep I Sleep I Rest 1 Rest I Raft I Who is the mim who doth keep A mattress the finest and best f Sleep t Sleep I Sleep I Rest that refreshes most true I The rest that, while sleeping, our health doth renew, Is found on a mattress that's made of I'l 1.1 1 Bleep I Sleep I Sleep I Rest I Rest I Rest I Economy tells us to buy and to keep The umttrcs* that is cheapest and best. Sleep I r leapt Sleep 1 On the mattress from JACOB SCHRIEBER I If bachelors lie single, then 1 lie will not jingle Till tliey'rs mnrrietl and purchase one wider I So come tn J. SCHRIHBER'S, they go whew, whew, Those famous mattresses made* out of PULU 1 J. SCHRIF.BF.It, 23 Jackaon street, near Hotel International. ryTHK HOME OF BEAI'TY, "Creative f senilis ! from thy hand What slia|>es ol order, licauty, rise. When waves thy potent, myatlr wand To people ocean, earth, and skies!" Wliat heart does not bow before the altar of Beauty, and worship at the shrine of Genius I Imagination can rear temples, and people them with gods | but Genius is required to make them live—live to our vision, live before vi models of themselves. Here is our eastlo. And here our gods , Rut they are mortal. Arouud these festooned halls The good, the great, the living and the dead ; And yet they speak—speak all; "We cannot meet the shaking eye, Put we are known, and, knowing, Fain would hold sweet converse." But as we gaze upon their closed life. We know that they are silent While they speak, and gaze on us. Creative Genius f raise thy wand And (rather round us where we stand Within there halls, a living throng : That we uiay raise a glorious song To all who act the noble part ; And t-ibute give to every art. Creative Genius ! here's thy home ( And here shall woud'rlng thousands come , Here spend a season free from care, To worship the beautilnl, good, and fair, For is It not a freeman's duty, To worship at the shrine of Beauty I Behold these flowers that gem tlie land, These little children in gioups they stand. While here and there, like angels, see They're smiling on their mother's knee. Men, in their prime, each like a brother, Joined hand in hand they're linked together; Here, too, the aged, the noblest show, They, hand in hand, together go. Young men and maidens, free from care, Single or plighted, like jewels rare, Are gathered round this gorgeous Hall, This Home of Beauty, In truth we call. Creative Genius, raise thy wand I We now would ask, O let him stand Before us | him who all this beauty planned. Behold, cries Genius, quickly glance! Enough! the artist, R. U. VANCE ! OstfTuerrelan Gallery, 23 Comer Sacramento and Montgomery streets. l~xf* Ornamental and Fruit-tree Seed*—A small inv< Ice of valuable Ornamental and Fruit-tree Seeds, for sale at the Office of the Fabmkb. 7 f7" The Oxygenated Bltersj.—For the cure of Dvs rarsiA or Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Attkma, Cottirt nets, Its* of Appetite, Ferer and Ague, Hi art P*n, Water Hraah, Acidity. Sta Si**A Scurry, fiauaea. Headache, Ennui, mod General l*rbtlity, or any disease having its origin in tmperfut difcttion. These Ituttrn, a* all classes ol «>ur trllow citizens, including Members of Congress, Lawyers, Physicians Clergymen, Planters, Farmers, and others, testify are the only tafr, certain and tovertign specific for tlie Immediate relief and permanent cure of the many cruel complaints which, iv some phase or other of Dy*f>ep*ia, afflict our race. These Bittert were discovered by Dr. George B. Green, and in their formula differ intirely from that of any other preparation of Medicine. Containing no alcohol—no mineral—no poison— no noxious drug; in their nature tonic, not simulating; retaining their virtues in any clime ; they are a "com hination and a form indeed of Medicine which knows no rival in exterminating disease and restoring the system to its Kris tine vigor and health. No matter of now longstanding, or owever induced or chronic in its chsrscter the disease tnsy be; no matter that It has battled th | skill of the physician, and resisted the efforts of Medicine, a singlu trial of these Bitters will satisfy the sufferer tliat hi* disease is amenable to the proper remedy. In testimony of the many cures effected by this Remedy, reference i* hsd to the written certificates from distinguished individuals known all over the land. SETH W FOWLE A Co., Proprietors, 16 Tremont street (Murum Funding), Boston, Mass. For aale by—< hablbs Mobbill, 111 war Jasjasasfj \ Co., and UxDiNor >n A Co., San Francisco ; Cms* Mobbill aud N. II McDonald A Co., Sacramento; Smith St Davis, Portland, i Oregon; and by all good dealers in medicine everywhere. 23 17* Budding Knives.—Those who desire a very superior Budding Knife, can .secure one by sending $1 SO to our Office. 8E WINQ MACHINES' First Premium, 1858. \MJ II AT MACHINE TOOK THE FIRST and ONLY *V Premium for WORK, at the State Fair, at Marysville 1 OROVER A BAKER'S. What Machine tin* First Premium for Work at Me chaQics' Fair, San Francisco 7 GROVER 4 BAKER'S What Machine took First Premium at San Joe* cunt \ Fair, for Fancy Sewing and Embroidery f UROVEH a\ IMKKR'S I will simply state that I have the documents to prove all the above statements . 8 0 BRIGHAM, Sole Agent, 17 62 Sansome street, between California and Pine Th« tie ■ m late Dry PI? I*l7 IB IMPOBTBD rmOH TNI SANDWICH ISLANDB, AND ISOLD ONLY BY JACOB SCHRIEBEH, I«0 Jackisa atrsst. Next door to International Hotel ■VsT DRY Pl'Lr is the Healthiest, Softest, Cheapest, and most I'urabl* material for Bedding now it use sVsT Meas will Dot lire la Pvuv Bbpdibo, 36 3m