California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 11, Number 1, 4 February 1859 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OFFICIAL NOTICE! POLHUMUS; DRUG STORE, No. 190 J street, corner of Seventh. SACRAMENTO., CAL. FELLOW CITIZEN'S : I hi •c :; i c I a roong you since the ever gl wteae FOETT-KINI tii c -utftred with you in three ores and three 11" l« 'til ntend t*» lire among Tou with my family during l«i* term of my natural life, if not longer. I return y w al) v, as] sincere thanks for your unfaltering; patronage an I rapport, which has enabled me to par One Hundred Cents on theltnllar through all my adverse fortune I would also t'.ve you a few reeeoeis for your ooeitioued patrot.aje, ana inducements |c now j auous likewise FIRSTLY. Ifclaltai to li, 111, Ol4ael t -i.,1.11.1v.<l l.< K llliiiaL Di iikklsl In this t it) . Per-ons in thiseoiitieetion will please .h.erve that there is as ruurh difference between a DOOTOB and a DRCia* I as there i- between a Drugget and a Doctor, and rather more so between tbo«c who hare picked up the Drug filiallless an 1 those who have deroied their whole lires to it To this latter class X hare the honor to being, hi. nut o- ir'.e i :-iv business in the Atlarlic States, and been ongaged in mid business I r the last eighteen years SKI (IMPLY. Believing that life is sweel to ell. and ihst the people wish to know "here they can get their psaserl.dsncai tilled with safe' r. I will hereafter fill thetn f r H.,'l the Pil.e I'.unlll I Isarut il I)y other Druggists, legitimate or Ulefitimate, and of Tin Pun al Oi "V "o l * li. list. ul». Titteiii y. T Ititen.l mi store >ti«': ke "NE d the best, if not THE REST place in California to obtain everything NEW. >I>l> sn I STRANfi B in the Drag line, aad especial t to make It I el sII sasirs depot Ist every valuable p,i,., •Mi li •, Drug and Chemical We invite pro- : r ~• l iable and reliable Patent M» Heine* I si I • hem a." g We have a large and thoroughly fire proof l 'rug lVa:ohoeae to hold them, and patrons to buy them. mi'KTHT.Y. We K..|. Of* o nil IsjUl And charge ac more for medicine- than in the day time. FIFTHLY. We will furnish tV-c in in V<;tn' etre-um-teness w'th MEDU'IN 1> AT COST! the tame being atlestet by two .>r three ettleeae. SIXTHLY. Hereafter we will |c a business on a C A*H 111*13 ONLY The amounts w» hare 10-l heretofore br ."editing we Intend to distribute equally am >tig our patrons, in the future, iv the decreased price of our good* 111 MlatLY. We hare received the agenoie. f-r the f llowing valuable arti-les: . , Hi. Carl eVaslssua's Tio. taire. tfcrularlv reromiwend.-d for Am' sad Peter, whenew-tv oib»r 55.a.1.l- leave and Hon. I.liilsssenl, warranted lb. t»»t la I'alllornia. Kiisaa t s oi Hi. ivres, wir rarer aad Lgua 11. light. s,„ i l.u«lr«l. iii II 111 K-iiN I , aI.IKJRKIA OHOVVN Ml I Also, agencies fcirsll ike other popular meuicim s ouuiueran* tv im-mion. KIiiHTUI.Y AND t t-Tl V. Wi Import "**t\j all of our goods We think we know how lo import them, and how to s-M them to satis's the nubile as to prion and quality At all events, give us a •all and WE WILL THY 10 .12 Id. L I L I kill J.