California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 11, Number 17, 27 May 1859 — Page 138 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

EXPRESSES. 1800. 18fjO. FREEMAN & CO.'S NEW YORK and CALIFORNIA EXPRESS, 'ESTABLISHED 1855. REORGANIZED 18.19. < i>|> stock $.*JO,OIM». HAVING ..PI'OINTED AGENTS AT ALL THE PRIN ci|inl points in California, Os-egoti, \Vi,klilii,;ioi> T«-i-rlloiy. fli-lltnlt I nl ii in l*li*. mill on the Northern mill South Coast ol California, mid .11 < »!••.., Wfil Conat ol South America; also, in Honolulu, .-umlwicb lahtnils, ate prepared to truniiacf A GENERAL EXPRESS, Forwarding and Conuuissiou Business, With ■ 'if'-t y and dispatch, offering facilities unnurpa a ßed by any Express Cnronany for Transporting Freight, Pneknges, Farcela, Letters and 'Irensure. NOTKS, DRAFTS, BILLS, AND ACCOUNTS, Collected, and returns promptly made. COMMISSIONS AND CONSIGNMENTS, Orders for the purchase ot Goods, and all matters portalntn. to a I.fitltllliate Ksui ran llusltirus, promptly attend.-d to. GOLD DUST forwarded nnd doposlted lur aasay or coinage, snd proceeds promptly retained. TREASURE and JEWELRY forwarded and Insured on our open Policies, held Irom the host London Insurance Com* panics. Also, FREIGHT, PACKAGES and LETTERS, hy the Steamers sailing on tho s:h and 20th ol each month, to all parts of the Atlantic States, South America, Canada* nnd Europe, connecting in New York with Mcnr.. 11. 8. L,ANainTs* .li CO.'S American - European Express to Europe. Also, to all poiuts on tho Northern nnd S luthorn COAST, hy each Steamer, in charge of lalthtul and experienced Messengers; also, to Uuysin, I.a Pas and ii.... t Inn, by every conveyance. riUXCTPAL OFFICES: 59 Broadway, Now York ; Hi! Baltimore St.. Baltimore 84 Washington st,, Boetou; Til C too st.. New Orloans; 320 Chestnut st, Philadelphia; 98 Montgcmciy street, Sao — 1 Francisco DIRECTORS: John M. Freeman, Freeman Cobb, Joaiah Hedden, John X Stimson, Chaa. 8. Higgini, 1. Winchester, Henry Gregory. JORH .11. FHEKIIAU, President. CHAS. 8. HIGGINS, Managing Director lor California. San Francisco, March 31st, 1859. 10 TRAVELING. Pacific Mail Steamship Company's Line TO FAN A TVT A , COnIfKCTINO VIA PANAMA RAILROAD WITH THB BTEA.MKBS Or TH. United States Mail Steamship Company AT Aal'IVH VI 1., For New York and New Orleans, THE ONLY SAFE AND RELIABLE ROUTE. Departure from Folsom street Wliarr. TUE MAGNIFICENT STEAMSHIP Golden Age, <fiflfr J. T. WATKINS Commander, Will leave Folsom street Wharf, with the Uiule.t States Mails. Passengers and Treasure, for PANAMA, OW MONDAY, ------- JINK (ITII, At l# o'clock, A. 11.. punctually. Passengers by the P. M S. Co's Line are landed on tbeir arrivnl st Panama upon the Whart of the Railroad Terminus, by the Company's steam ferry boat, and are tiansportecl By the Panama Railrond Company-, litmudiiitely Across the LstlimuH to AlfikMl, Where tho eteamera of the U. S. M Summ*hfp (Company ar«'e-i to he in readiness to convey tbem to New York or New Orleuns. ■ Tho Panama Railroad Company and the I. 3. Mai) Steamship Ci.m.uny, have authorized Au'*mta to -eh tbeir TickeU, if desired by h ikier* of PaciHe Ticket. Treasure for ebipmeut will be receive.! on board th* ■teittner until M o'clock /midnight), Satutdtty, June 4th. No mnichandb-e freight wilt fw received nn board after t p j*r . June 4th, and a written order must ha procured at the Company's Office for its shipment. |-y* p or )t .-i-iii or paMitagc, apply to FORHE4& RABCOCK, Agent*, 15 Corner of tta<rra«»ej.t(i and L*ide*loi rl strntU. California Steam Navigation Company. - kment from- «T^*a. MARCH In, 1857. snaaaSnttsaßnC Ihpartare daily from Jackson street trharf nt 4 u'ctvrk, P.M. CARRYING UNITKD STATKH MAIL. Steamer NEW WORLD, Capt. Samuel Seymour: ANTELOPE, Capt. E. A. Poole: " CONFIDENCE, " WILSON O. HUNT, " HELEN HENSLEY, Capt. E. CM. Chad wick- " 1. IiRAODON, Capt. Tbos. Seeley; '■ URILDA. Capt. Chas. Thorn; " CORNELIA. Capt. X CoukltiL One of the above steamers will |enve Jackson street Wharf, o\ery day at 4\ o'clock, r m. (Sundays excepted/, for aacramcnto ana Stockton, Connecting with the tight draft steamers for Mar ys v i lie . Colusa. Ami Red Bluffs For further particulara Inquire at the Office of the Company, comer of Jackaon aud Front sticets. J WHITNEY, Ja, Preddent. CALIFORNIA FAKM£R. List of Age dt s. (Out St'ist'HißKHH can send tnuuey by BfAtL safely. Register at the Post-office, and the money will come direct and aare j DR. HESRY ME WITT, General Traveling Agent. Wills, Faboo it Co.,at ail their OJice* tn tMtt. State. i isKMiN St i o, at all their Ofures. Postm ABTBas, througktmt the State are requested to act. J. 11. Still, Washington street, San Francisco, Looatia A Co., San Frmncisea. J. W. Sanbobn, Bsnieia. Tuoa. T. Hooraa, Postmaster, Bsnieia. ti. M Richabdson, Snisnn. J. SI. Dt*OL«r, Kso , Natm City and County. E. X lUvimon, bookseller. Fourth street, U. J. I idlkmak i Mk. Co ac KM am, at llie Post Office, .V<j. ram, nto. L. C. V an Allbr, Staekton. A- W. ii. vk, Ranch P. O. (J Aarr, Marysvitls. H. tX McCoia, Postmaster, Sautm Cla-rm. Lokwt Sl BaoTHKa, San Josi. N. D. Hill, Islnnd, Paget Sound. Hull, hssrr St Co., Portia*** " T. Afj«nla. A. O. Moobi, Mew-York City, by whom SuhserittUns nnd Advertissmentsswtfscs4ved—Oficr,at 140 Fulton street, H. M WhitNßT. Eta,-, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Qbat, Adams St Hosfl, Nurserymen, Seeiismen ana Florists, Kensington Road, London, will receive Snhstrtptums, M DUBAOO, Bookseller, Paris, wilt rtreirt ."iabscrmutians. \* Subscribers can always form Club* aud transmit by either of the Expresses, or with perfect safety hy Mall. THB LAW Or NKWSPAPCnS. 1. Bobscrlbera who do not give express notice! j the nn trary, are considered as wishing to continue tbeir Bubscr.B>ttoa S. Ifsubscribersnrdertheirpapers discontinued, Publishers saay continue to semi them nil all charges are paid. S. If subscribers ueiftect or refuse to take tnetr paper" from the office or piaceto which they are sunt, they are held reapoa nble until they settle their bill and give notice to discontinue them. 4. II lubscrtbßrs romovsrto other places without informing the Publisher,and the paper is sent to the former direction they are held responsihle 5. Tlie courts hare decide.l tbat refusing to take a paper or periodical from the oflsce, or removing and tearing it uncalled for, ia prima facia evidence of intentional f* aud Post*go of the Farmer.—Tbe Postage or the Kumii to any part of the State k* only 6Mt reals uer yuartcr, or S6 csnss prr yestr. Thia la the lawful posUfie muhlished by Cuasjs**' and when mors is exacted it la a vluiaUou of law.