California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 12, Number 18, 9 December 1859 — Page 141 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

POLAR OIL. 30,000 GALLONS REFINED POLAR OIL, In Barrels and Cases, FOR SALE AT LOWER PRICES Than ever before offered in California. Purchasers of Oils would do well to visit our establishment, before laying in their winter stock. We will guarantee to suit ALL as to quality and price LARD OIL, Is also offered at greatly reduced rates. WINTER SPERM OIL, Warranted to stand the test of the coldest weather BINNACLE OIL, Warranted to burn a lamp dry without trimming. CAMPHENE, Distilled fresh every day. ALCOHOL, In Barrels and Cases, 95 per cent. BURNING FLUID, Of superior quality. STANFORD BROTHERS, Pacific Oil and Camphene Works, July 1. 48 Front street, near California. C. Main. E. H. Winchester. MAIN & WINCHESTER, MANUFACTURERS and Importers of HARNESS, Saddles, Bridles, WHIPS, COLLARS, SADDLE-WARE, &C., No. 82 Battery street, Between Long Wharf and Sacramento street, SAN FRANCISCO. N. B. —Repairing promptly attended to—Good assort ment CONCORD STAGE HARNESSES, STAGE STOCKS, and LASHES, of the best quality, constantly on hand. 24 W. C. Hell, Portland, Oregon. J. B. KsiArr.Sau Ftancisco. HULL, KNAPP & Co,, j™L IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Si OREGON FRUIT AND PRODUCE!! \<>. so Washington street, I NEAR FRONT, SAN FRAyCISCO. Special attention given to consignments on commission. ILAWRENCE & HOUSEWORTH, OPTICIAN S \o. ITT Clay Street, s€&**€3: GOLD, SILVER, AND STEEL Spoctaclos, With the best quality of Glasses, and the celebebratei BRAZILIAN PEBBLES. Opt ra c. 1 n .Magnet Ir M,n liln-«, Murine < ■ I I in im.■m - i. . - . ( \ ~1 -.- DrawthK liis,trunit*iit«, tSTKIiKt SCOPES AND VIKWS, ETC. Dlrrrt lvi i»"t t< 1, of Jow ph i 1 - «V Horn, Pocket-knives, Razors, Scissors, &c„, WttT fitted to Frames, and REPAIRS neatly done. 6 SCHREIBER-S PTJLXJ DEPOT. THE DEMAND for this article of BEDDIN<. is U iDcreuinf more than t< ■ ' i every ye»r. Tbe more it is used, tbe better it is liked FOR CHEAPNESS AND DURABILITY It Una to Kl|ll«l. In consequence of the increased demand, I have made arrangements to have a constant supply direct from tbe Islands lam also receiving by every Cltper invoices of CURLED HAIR, BED-LACE X. o. MOSS, Si'FA-SFR/XGS, CORK lICSKS, MA TTR BSS-BfBINQS, TWINE etc., FTC, And t'pholaterera' Xccfllea, assorted sues. Dealers in Furniture and Bedding, wanting anything in my line, are resjmctfully invited to give me a call llotii.s and Families commencing lb.usekeping. supplied at very reasonable rates. N. B. —All orders from the country promptly attended 10. Pulu Warehouse, 104 Battery street, Sas Francisco. Mm iJACDB SrHRKIBER. " KO H ER , In order to aeoomm«Hlate his extensive and .Bcreuinff business in tbe Music, Toy, and Fancy-Goods Line! HAS TAKEN THOSE SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT ROOMS ON THB SECOND FLOOR OF HOWARD'S NEW BUILDING, EAST SIDE SANSOMB STREET, Extending from Commercial to Clay streets. THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Will rank among the most Elegant Piano Rooms in the 1 nited States. Pianos from the best makers in America and Euroias will be regularly received from first hands, and SOLD or RENTED at the LOWEST RATES th-gan Harmoniums, M'lodrons, Guitars. Violins. Brass Instrument!, Flutes. Clarintli, Accordcons, and all other kinds of MUSIOAI. IISTSTRUIVIEISrTS, Constantly on hand, and offered at Reduced Prices, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALSO, MUSIC ROOKS amd ROMAN STRINGS For all Instruments. TnE DEPARTMENT DEVOTED TO THE GENERAL WHOLESALE BUSINESS Will contain an Immense Stock of Gtaais, Comprising every variety of Fancy Goods, Yank ess Notions, Toys cVc. Particular attention is paid to g.Kxlt suitable for HOLLI DAY PRESENTS, Ac ,of whioh a fall and complete assortment will be received for the FALL TRADE. Toys by the Oaee or Dozen, to salt Pnrchaaers. star Remember the place—East side Sans 'mt street, between Commercial and Clay, Ip Stairs.