California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 15, Number 5, 29 March 1861 — Luxurious Vegetables. [ARTICLE]

Luxurious Vegetables.

Many are the market Gardeners that bring Vege- | tables to market; and just as numerous as are the men, just as numerous are the qualities of the Vegetables ; not one Gardener in ten ever gives due attention to tlie raising his crop as lie ought, or strives to bring it to the highest state of perfection. Such cultivators think it is enough it' they only raise a crop of "Potatoes," "Onions," ' Squashes," "Tomatoes." etc., but hs to studying the nature and character of Ihe vegetable, or the toil best adapted to bring that particular vegetable to a perfect state, never once enter- their brain. Yet we are happy to know there are tome Garden* Brs that are practically Interested and perfecting this work, as their products in our market I will testify. During the last Beaton the articles of Cucumbers raised by A. IV Smith of Sacramento, and Tomatoes and Sweet Corn by (!. W. Wickwire of Oakland, and extra perfect Tomatoes by Bngge Brothers of Oakland, Celery by W. 0. Walker of the Golden Gate If uxsery, and Catiltllowers by several French Gardeners at the Mission, with many other samples shown were evidences that care and attention will soon bring to a more perfect state these luxuries, and exhibit them in greater luxuriance than in any other market in the world, for we have tbe soil and climate to do it.

We visited the large Vegetable Oardem the lust ireek, of the Bagge Brothers, at Oakland, who are now supplying our market with Blanched Asparagus, which ia esteemed by epicureans the ne ylus ultra dish. The same Gardeners were distinguished the last year for their bright, round, smooth-skin Tomatoes, which commanded the highest price in the market. Messrs. Ilagge Brothers, cultivate largely and well. They send thus early, -."ยป0 pounds Rhubarb and 1000 pounds Asparagus in weekly. They excel in these articles, aud in Peas ami Cucumbers, and by their care and attentions always receive the highest price. Any one visiting the Washington Market can see their White Asparagus, perfectly blanched by means of covering with earth like Celery or with litter. The same firm made the last year 40 gallons Raspberry Wine of extra quality, llagge Brothers are experienced German Gardeners, and are introducing all the most desirable kinds of Vegetable, Fruit, and Ornamental Seeds, from the old country. We saw at their place a magnificent specimen tree of the Acacia, a new variety, of which they will have many hundred for sale this fall. It is the finest we have ever seen, of enormous growth, hardy and beautiful in its foliage, with very fragrant blossoms. This firm for their great industry and success deserve well. A visit to their place will pay any oue. Domestic fowls, rabbits, and many other sources of income aid in their prosperity. Such men aid by their industry iv building up our State.