California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 16, Number 8, 8 November 1861 — San Francisco the Head-Quarters for the Whale Fleet of the Pacific. [ARTICLE]

San Francisco the Head-Quarters for the Whale Fleet of the Pacific.

Foil more than seven years we have advocated measures for securing to this port the valuable trado that would accruo to us if the Whale Fleet could be induced to make this their resort. We know we can fit out tho whalomen better and cheaper than any of the Islands ; besides, whalemen's drafts here, instead of being at n large discount, command n premium. The trade too, of sail-making, and ship-chandlery, and ship-stores, are an item that would greatly benefit our merchants : while the sale of flonr, pork, beef, nnd fresh vegetables would be a great help to our producers. Seven years since and the only whnlcsbip owned at this port was that of Wm. Bailey; now there are several,—and at this time there arc eight whalemen in port, and such are the facilities oflTercd and securities given that seamen are safe, that we doubt not the whole fleet of nearly fifty sail will soon make this their head-quarters, and thus bring a new and valuable aid of business to various branches of industry : end this is what the Farmer has urged ami prophesied for seven years, while others have always been saying such a thing could never he nccompli9hed. The work is already done.