California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 17, Number 5, 25 April 1862 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

UNION FARM AND PLANTATION MILLS. TO Stock-Raisers, —AND— STABLE KEEPERS TOU AHE PARTICULARLY INVITED TO EXAMIYi: 111 l Mill. WE ADVERTISE ABOVE. THIS WU 18 OF NO ORDINARY CHARACTER, IT 18 WHAT WE CLAIM FOR IT, THE BEHT MILL EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. These Mills Were Awarded the FIRST PREMIUM! —AT TUB— State Fair at Sacramento, Bay District and Mechanics' Fair, in San Francisco, and at the Santa Clara Fair. PRICES OF MILLS AS FOLLOWS Mill complete, with Bolt for Family Flour $150 Mill complete, without Bolt • • 140 Extra Grinding-surfaces, per set • 10 Greene, Heath & Allen, SOLE AGENTS FOR California, Oregon, and Washington Territory JrleHNi-N. KEEP & BRIC.C.S, PROPRIETORS OF THE GLOBE FOUNDRY, STOCKTON, ARE OUR DO LV AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF THESE MILLS. 1 FARMERS!! TAKE NOTICE!!! 10,000 Large Grain-fed HOGS Wanted For Packing purposes, and for which the Highest Cash Price will be paid, by WILSON & STEVENS, Poi'lc P(JUSIC*BI*Bf Corner Sanitoiiie and Itroadway. ,16-H 3.n Read ! I*<*iial ! WHY WI L L V E SUFFER? Iteutl the fallow I iig Cert I fleet es and Im* t-on vim < tl: Gallinas, Sept. 15, IsCl. To John DuFaiUS, Kmi. SsnJUfsel. 1 hereby certify that 1 have ■->■ ea afflicted with the most aevere ease ul Rheumatism ol' a moat unusual character, for severs! years, and duriiif thai , tl i -i I have been advised and under the treatment uf » me of the moot eminent Physician* without the leaat Item til. and have been pronounced incurable ! v eeveral of them. I tru advised hy a friend tv try your ■■ treatment. I did so, a* a test resort, aa 1 waa lame and help, lesa aa an Infant; and to my surprise and gratification found myselt cured and atile tv go to work in the abort space s>| Aye week", and have heen cured and well now for about DM year, and rind your medicine moat excellent and without any bad elfect—the »ainc a« inercuiy or other medicine i Hen haa— snd I csn recommerjd your treatment tv all those afloctetl. RICHARD DOWDELL. Sworn Slid eub>cribed before me thla lath day of September, ItfoL J. T. STOKER. Justice of the Peace, flan Raiael Township, Marin county. Saw, Rapakl Marin county, Jan. 17th. isfi*. Thii la to certify, thst ! was afflicted in January, February, and March, lf>. with the Rheumatiam, hy which I was unable to move hand ur toot the ino*t of the time duringaaid month* To my great relief I obtained two hurtles uf Rheumatic Metlicino, prepared hyJnHM DsFaiKS, which entirely cured me, and 1 have never since felt any rheumatic pains. R. W FKINK. County Judge ul Mann county Thia is to certify that I have used the Medicine prepared by John DiFaius, in my family, and am prepared to testify as to Its efficacy in sll cesee, and have never known it lo have s had effect I. O. B. SHORT Subscribed snd sworn to before me, this Bth dsy ot October, II DANIEL T. TAYLOR, Coenty Clerk. ft*' Nfrrnry Never Card. Chills ami Fever Cured In two days, without Drugs aud Medic oi> wardly. WkW Person* whose syfteratt have been Injured by Mercury, ou hare the poison eradicated entire! v Address JOHN DiFRIKs 19 San Kafael. NEW SEEDS FOR THE SEASON. NOW 18 TUX TIME FOR FARMERS TO SCPPLY themselves with Seeda of Nee Product! that will five variety to their crop* and i ut snoney iv their pockets A superior quality uf FLAX-SEED, FRENCH SUGAR BEET, and CHINESE SUGAR-CANE, Can be obtained at very low rates, at the Farmer Office AH who possibly oan, should ut least five some of the new products v trial. 13