California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 17, Number 18, 25 July 1862 — United States Treasury Notes' [ARTICLE]

United States Treasury Notes'

Every loyal man in the land should at this time join in an effort to sustain tbe credit of the Government, by receiving cheerfully tho U. S. notes as the currency of the land. It is and will bo the best. Let business men at onco advertise to receive it in all their business operations and thus will give it currency. Such a measuro would not only be right and just, but it would be the only way a patriotic citizen could act. It is sheer hypocrisy to shout hurrah for tho Uuiou and then decry the very means and credit of the Government that is battling to uphold that Union. Let all good loyal citizens at once make known their intention to take tho Treasury Notes, and those who refuse them will soon be known.