California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 17, Number 22, 22 August 1862 — Page 176 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TRAVELING. Pacific Mail Steamship Company. SSSSSB SHIPS will be dtapatohad <rftIMUK» In the »!•> ii Hi of Auguat, 1N0'« i Auguiit Ist—UNCLE HAM, R. H. Homer, Commander. August lIth—OOLDEBI AUK, F, B, Baby, Commander. August 21st —sONOUA, , Commander. From Folsom street wharf At 9 o'clock, A. 111., punctually, for i»yvx\r /V 1V1.A.. Passengers will bn conveyed from Pnnama to Asplnwall by tho Panama Railroad Company, and from Aspinwall to How York by the Atlantic and Pacitic Steamship Company. FORBES Sl BABCOCK, Agents P. M. S. Co., 10 Corner of Sacramento aud Leideadortf streets California Steam Navigation Company. Departure daily from Broadway wkor/ t at 4 P. M. CARRYING UNITKIT STATES MAIU ■ FAST AND SPLENDID - STEAMERS ssMSMbSbbbK CIIItYSOPOLIS and ANTELOPE, Will leave on alternate days for SACRAMENTO, at 4 o'clock p. m,, from Broadway wharf. Steamer CHRYSOPOLIS, Chadwiek, Master, will leave on Tusadaya, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Steamer ANTE* LOPE, Poole, Master, will leave on Monday**, Wednesdays, aud Fridiiys. Other atenmera will also leave for &TOCKTON every day at 4 o'clock, p. m. (Sundaya excepted), trom Broadway Wturf. For Marysville aad Intermediate Landings, Evciy Duy. Steamer YOUNG AMERICA, Littleton, Master, and Steamer SWALLOW, Summer*], Master, will leave Sacramento on alternate days, at 7 o'clock a. m. CHANGE OF DAY FOR RED BLUFF. Until turther notice, thu steamers of the Calilornia Steam Navigation Company will mako three trips por week to RED I'.M'KF, leaving Sacramento on Tuesday, Thursday, aud Saturday, at 7a. m. Freight received every day. For freight or passage by any of the above boats, apply on board, or at the Office of the Compauj corner of Jackson and Front streets. vIT-13 J. WHITNEY, JR., President. COLEMAN'S LINE. SAN FRANCISCO TO NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED A LlNE^jj|j^ CLIPPER SHIPS, To sail regularly from San Francisco to New York, w* are prepared to ofTer unusual facilities to Shippers of California Produce. Freight will nt all times be taken on the moat Favorable Terms. Goods from the Interior, and from other Ports, will be received and forwarded. Free of Commission. ADVANCERS made on desirable Merchandise consigned to our New York House. Inaurniice provided under our open Policy with tha Great Western Insurance Company of New York. 24 6m Wall T. COLEMAN & CO. Hay and Wool Presses FIVE HAY AND WOOL PRESSES. AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY U MACOSDKAI A CO. Wool, Hides, and Skins «2JfIJ& Fui-cliaßocl AT THE HIGHEST MARKET RATES, .....T.. .. R. FEITERSTEIN & CO., SIJ3 FRONT STREET. 17 SAX FRANCISCO. Purchasing Agency. Having had the experience ol over thirty yeara In dealing In Trees, Plants, iSeeds, and Agricultural Implements, we feel tbat wo are fully competent by our experience tn purchasing such articles to make a saving of from five to fifteen per cent lor the great mass of purchasers. We will therefore offer to make purchases for all who wish our services, of any uf those articles named, or lor any articles of merchandise for our Farmers or Ranchmen, and ship the same as they shall dlreeL In order that we may do their business tn the most satisfactory wsy for them and ourselves, wi; shall wish that all who send orders should be as explicit as possible as to their wants—describing as minutely as they can; and, where they desire our judgment, we will do our best to mi t them. Our charge will be Five per cent, together with the cost of packing, freight, drayage, etc. Orders should inclose satisfactory references or the Cash ; or bills could be sent by Express, to be collected on delivery. We shell be happy to attend to the purchase and shipment ot Trees, Seeds, Plants, etc., aa this Is our esitectal "hobby," and we know we can satisfy all that send ua their business to attend to. CALIFORNIA FARMER. List of Agent s. [Oc* Subscribbbs oan send money by mail safely. Register at the Post-office, and the money will come direct ana sura ] Wells, Fab«o St Co., at all their Offices in thisSatts. POSTMABTBBS, throughout tke State are requatedto net, J. W. m i.1.1 v an, Washington street, San trantiscsu J W. Hanbobn, Bemcia. Mahtin L Haas., Napa City and County. A. G. Randall Sl Co, Marysville, Kiksski St MbotMßb, Stockton. E B. Hours, Stockton A. R. WsssTEß, Brooklyn, E. B. Davidson?, bookseller, Fourth street, Sacramento. J. R. (iwvvN, Auburn, D. A. Rice, Rattlesnake. H. R. FbbnCH, Horseshoe. Block Sl Leyy, San Rafael, Marin county. E. Lbvy, Bolmas and Olema, do W. J. SwiASKY, Eureka, Humboldt county. Knapp, Boa bell Sl Co., Portland, Oregon. 0. M, Haetun Sl .Uaaken, booksellers, New York City, N. T. Foreign Agi Ufa. H. M Whitney. Esq... Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Gbay, Adams Sl Hoob, Nurserymen, Seedsmen anst tflorists t Kensington Road, London, will receive Subscriptions. M Dubaob, Bookseller, Paris, willrsceiveSnbsetriptisms. **>" Subscribers can always form Clubs and transmit by either »t the Expresses, or with perfect safety by Mail. Posilstsre of ttie Farmer.—The Postage off tha Pamsibb to sny part of the State is only cents per quarter, or fl6 fAtnts per ytar. This is the lawful postage established by Congress, and wben morets exacted |Is a notation of law.