California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 21, Number 8, 25 March 1864 — Page 62 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

THE BOARDMAN, CRAY & CO. PIANOFORTES. The subscriber, late a member of this well-known Firm has established a Wholesale and Retail Depot At 726 Broadway, New York City,Where be will be happy to receive orders, and especially to hear from his friends, and tbe patrons of the late firm. 11. is fully prepared to furnish them at the very lowest Wholesale and Retail Prices, and every Piano if fully warranted. Send for Descriptive Circulars, and all Orders to SIBERIA OTT, 726 Broadway, New York City. ABBOTT'S PIANO-STOOLS. Th. best Piano-Stool in use. Iron column and feet, fully warranted. Sol. Agency and Depot. The trad, supplied. Bootman's Pianoforte Tuning Scales. —SOMETHING NEWEnabling persons to TUNS THBIR OWN PIANOS oorreotly and perfectly. It is almpl. in construction and operatiun, and perfect in its work Prloo only 9i. Send for Descriptive Circulars All Orders should b« Mn ' to SIBBRIA OTT, Sol. Agency and Depot, 16 726 Broadway, New York City