California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 22, Number 5, 26 August 1864 — Page 40 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ELECTRICITY THE GREAT REMEDIAL AGENT. Electricity ni a Remedial Agent nan, until recently, been hut little known. An Electric Buttery haa been n terror from childhood up because a littln Battery gave a "etart," and the thunder atorm killed by lightning. Now It la better under, and la and will he the sovereign remedy lor many diseases heretofore considered incurable. The billowing *nries ol articlea and statistic*, with facta and proof of th« virtue of Klectricltr aro worthy of attention. When It waa promulgated that disease could ho entirely eradicated from the | lystem without tho u<e of po'aonousdruga, thn unthinking, ;or thoae who do not look deeply Into cause and ttfoct, ' scouted tho assertion as chimerical, and adduced strong eridencn of It* utter Imposstbdlty. Long articles, replete , with argument*, seemingly unanawerable, of the nositiou I that oidy throuirh the digestive system could tbo blood be purged of the accumulations of the poisons ewhlch constitute disease, Agteatciy went up Crotn tho in ton-ted in tho con- ! thiu'Ht supremacy of the old system of one poison to cure i another, that Electricity, aa a Curative Agent, bad been tried ' ami had pro veil to be of hut little If any value —thinking, poor aoula, tho world of scieuce atood at the same point It occupied one hundred yenra ago. I hey were wronir, while thoae I old fugles were content il they mi red DM In every five patient* j theie were thnao who were diviiu' Into tlio science ol Kloetilelty, and Hnnlly It wa* discovered that the trouble waa lv i the instruments used. From that time to thfj prßSmt, Uttt* proveinentH have rapidly advanced, until every disease in tho catalogue ul human ilia baa beoa cither cured altogether, or i chocked ao s« to enable the sufferer to seek those changes of ! c'imatc which ultimately perform a perfect cure. Diseases hitherto conflicted Incurable, have been cuicd, and those ■tfaoaiiw wnhih took month*.and even \ ■ n -, to cure by mod* j leal p roe ess, aro now cured In a few weeka; and all by the I fimproved hiftrimntta nt Dr. J. 11. Jos.-elyn, Resident Physician at the Electropathies Institute, 645 Washington street, tfan Francisco. It la astonishing to see the number of patients and diver-dty or oUeaies Mat hare ben relieved by the Elec* tropathic System. From early morn tUJ late at myht, his Instrument is eafrtsyed, Imparting health and strength to all who have the mod fortune in obUtlg hi* service*. The charges, too, if! not aa heavy hi* by the old system, beaidai) there la no mediciii" to pay tor, let done Ihe unpleasantness of swallowing the nauseous stuff. During the time the Inatltute has bean id operation, there ha* bee*, more benefit to tlir liiiiuin liiinily derived liuiu the ayatein than frott all i other ey* touts eninboied dut iug thn i-auo- period. Among the I most ir-uhlusome diseases to which Calilorn'nuis have been [ exposed la KUouiUitlif-m; none has gtatg n tin- honorable pracj tltionor mure tnmbh to relieve, anil in one has pretended to cure (it wo except known empirics) permanently. It ut thla subtle disease give- wiiy boiore tlie Electropathio System in a very short time, enabling the sulloier to g » about bis business without pnin nrthe tear nnd drend of ■ relapse. And ao with tn oat other diseases, considered ineundde. We mention Rheumatism because of its abundance, but we could enumerate many other disease* lull as truublesuine, nnd acme far I more tattd in their result*. I We ttttude to that kind ol disease paraded by quacks in tho journals of Ihe day, « trouble which waa never cured by medicine, only a little strentith Imparted by the use of tonic*. The puor victim ia kept taking medicinea and paying lor them until his last dollar is gone and then, aa soon >< - he undot takes to work to obtain more hinds, tho trouble conies back in all Ita loathsomeness. To this disease Electropathy ia peculiarly applienble, its act inn being upon the spermatic nerve, strengthen- the secret try organ", mid at the same time, clouting an equilibrium in the system, thereby preventing an elapse. We dwell upon this disease In can-to ft la the hnne of the youth of California; and one about winch there baa been more deception u*ed tbau all others put together. It ia not uecessaiy to enumerate all the dibeapua in tbe catalogue, tor tbat would lie occupying spuce to no purpose. Every disease has In en under treatme nt by this system, and there are none but have rceived benefit eiiher in this Suite or at the East. There are at present veiy few Im-tt miienta in tbo world that can bo deptmded upon. A Rood Instrument costs very heavy, and cannot be purchased unless ordered, mid there are vary few who aro abl« to manufacture thorn, tor want ol knowledge of the healing principle. The only Instrument to he depended upon in 11 . .StHte is at tbe Eb ctrupatbic Inatitute. Connected with this ayetein are the renowned Electro-Nucut-tx llntli' Iltiro let us caution the public ajjaina! the DUtMi ous impmtera in too bathing line. The pure Magnetic Hath is one of the most efF-xtive aids in tho removal ol dia> ca«e tiom the py-tt»in,, but it given at tbe wrong tune la likely to aggravate trouble, and casus' havo been known when! tho p tii'ot b.a« been Injured so badly as to require month* to re> move the injury. Tcaona in quest ol this Batli should be careful and not apply to a place whore there la no physician to judge o 1 the necensity ol the rem-'dy. lv fact the vwy place whore they eaa t»e nbtalned in all ihetr purity is at the Institute, where the lt»idetit Physician will alwiiyit he happy to examine and see that tbey are not unseajiHoihty admluiaturod, aud if uot necessary, ad viae the requisite remedy. To Females, the Directors would any. Kluetropnthy Is particularly applicable to your delicate and fragile system-*, and to the nuuierou* troublesome and painful diaense* to which you are liable, ffnould you he irregular, a few treatment* will restore tho hinctloita to the proper state without pain or inconvenience, ■hould you be weak and enfeebbtl either gon nal or local, thin ■y*te**l impartf atrcityth and vitality, making the recipient teel bu<iyant and youthful, where before they were languid and uuablc to enjoy tho pleasure* ot Jtte. One great Meaning connected with Electropathy is, ft purifies the system so thoroughly that it beautitio* the. complexion, making the coarse and deckled skin aa pure and fair at possible, giving the patient a ''resh and health'til look. To the nervous, tbe D rectors would say, that you can he entirely lelicved from those di eadtul feeUnjia ot evil foreboding; and your ayatom strengthened an that nothing van disturb the current of your life Berenu caaea ol insaidty, arising from a disarrNHuemeut ot the net voua system, have been permanently cured by thisaystem. The Directors, in isaulntr this pamphlet, do it lv the hope that it may be the means ot awakening the public, who havo not atuibed into such thing-, to a sense of their duties, and if possible prevent those who have the care ol" a riiing generation from poisoning their young charge* with vile drugs, thereby ent tiling upon them trouble* which In after lile mi* cause them to curse tho ut Lin. AUo, that those In need ot remedial agents may know where they can find them without resorting to taking the th<nwand and one poisonous uoatt urns that are continually palmed off as tnverign pauncena for all the ills of humanity. Avoid them all, they are snare* set to rob you, and to your bodily injury at the same time. The following la a list of the case* which have been aucceesluHy treated by the Etecmpathic Syttrrm, at the Institute, during the iin«t four yeai* ot it* eatMhljsbmeut. , The record is good, and challenge* admiration ol the world: Name of Disease. No. Rheumatism , Neuralgia 1 ]■>■• Dyspepsia 141,7 General Debility HlO Fever aud Ague Dumb Ague 1210 bronchial Affection* Htjg Asihnia 1049 FeuiNle Iriegulari'ies |Qgaj Mercurial , 93rj lleroful* —long atanding.... Paralysis t*[h) Dir-CHseuf the Eyo B;r>j i atai rh in the hoail 705 Catarrh intho lungs Liver complal t* (iOU Inclplrnt Conaumptlon flei Panama Kevor r>H3 Deaf neaa—total and partial 440 Mental Dera life ment 471 All other—anl among which ii almost every nam ruble duease 2,186 Total .31 ~'173 The above shows what can ho accomplished by c >in-ined energy wheu ir. ha* truth and science upon it* aide. Tne Eluctropathic Institute was started amid the cry of interested charlatans, who u«ed al tbe power their riche* and the prejudice*) of the public gave them to prevent Its auccesa. It has riaen to a position that ia beyond their baffled malice, and will be honoted in tho scientific world when they ore forgotten, or only remembered tur their crime* and imposition*. A thinking public are fast consigning them to that oblivion Ihetr wo ks mai lt. Let tbem go, timy will not bo missed. Persons seeking remedial assistance, may wish to know something ol tlit* »y*tuin by which disease* are *o rapidly re* moved from the body. Electricity is a rluid of so subtle a nature that It can only be studied by it* result*. We know by it* action it lurcei everything ot a loruign nature In the bjdy from the renter to the surface, by It* energy, white the vitality which It imparts till* up the vacuum, preventing thereby the subtle poiseu* from returning to tho hitherto ; diseased part*, and here let It be underatiod that the Rath should never bo administered until tho disease haa been forced to the aurl ico, except, perhaps, In case* of cold fever has not *et in. Iti action upon mercurial diseases i* peculiar. The best authorities are uf the opiutun that It liquirle* the mercury, which, wncn in a liquid atale, by Its own specific gravity force* Itself out of the body. Thl* result has been arrived at by testing the water alter an Electro Magnetic Bath. After such tests have been found in the water the patient la not troubled any more with those pains peru'lar to , the diseases. In alt other rasos It force* to the surntetf and is . waihed off hy the bath. Tlio wbuio *y*tem Iv Its application I Isa luxury, there being no pain or inconvenience attending uuou it, hut the reverse is the case, one continued pleaaureall thetlma. Try It, you tbat are suffering either Irorn dims* or tun u*e of p<d*om>u* drug*, and you will be m ide to rejoice tbar you hove had the courage to strike out iiurn theb atea pHtb. Below are a lew certirioate* Irorn patients that have boen cured ut the inatitute : CERTIFICATES OF CIREB. ■-an FaaNoiaoo, April IH, 1860. Thl* 1* toeerttty that I have been under tV treatment of Dr. J i tho Eloctropatiikt Iji.titm- nod that hn has cured me Mydiaeise w** mirourial, accoiaoariied with ohllls, I applied to him -i the Uth day ot thl* month. Inw rnnnond all arllicted to employ htm. lie ha* cured m ? without medicine, by the use of hi* Electropathio Inatt um-mt. John <;allauhan. State of California, flfry aod Ooontv of ,«an Francisco—ss. fluhscribod and swors- Mfurd noe, this eighteenth day oi April, A. I)., U6O F. BARRY, Notary Fun'ic. Tne uudersigued take* this moih->«J uf auauowledging pub-