California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 24, Number 22, 8 December 1865 — The Concert at Platt's Hall. [ARTICLE]

The Concert at Platt's Hall.

The recent concert given at Platt'a Hall, for the benefit ol the " British Benevolent Society," was not only one of the most successful public concerts yet given for benevolent societies, but it was one of the grandest nusical entertainments we bare bad in our city for a long time. It was, indeed, a musical feast. Musical critics may separate on different artistes, and bestow a special compliment upon each, bat our purpose is lo speak of it as a grand whole, as sucb, it was complete , such was the universal opinion, lor all were satisfied Rich performer " acted well their parts," and the enthusiastic plaudits bestowed, and rapturous encores, was the proof of lbs genetal pleasure fell by all present.