California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 24, Number 24, 22 December 1865 — Our Christmas Market. [ARTICLE]

Our Christmas Market.

John Bull may boast of bis Boaat Beef and Plum Pudding, but John Hull's mouth would water if be could ace the Washington Market, San Francisco, Ibis day or to-morrow.

Aa much as we are in lore with our State ao<l its vast resources, we confess, we were surprized and g-oatiy astonished at the extraordinary display of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, and Pork, and tho grand show of Game, of Fish, of Vegetables, aud of Fruits. They have surprised even ourselves at their abundance and superior quality, and the show seems to have burst upon the citizens una wares, taking them all by surprise.

We regret that our duties at this time are so pressing that we could not visit all the Markets and note nil the several Stalls, and report the many excellencies of each, ilut the whole Market was splendid.

Loi'iiKiuiiiK was truly "Game." Be takes care of the Orphans, (God bless him,) and feedi many thousands besides. There were other fine showy Game Stalls.

The "Dairy" was well shown up by French & llali,, Butter and Cheese with the fragnance of sunny June.

The Fish epicureans could have their first Salmon to-day at fifty cents per pound, and Tessmora & Mayes were ready with all the varieties of the season.

The display of Beef, Mutton, and Lamb, has never been excelled, we think, in any Market. We have seen the Markets of Europe in their glory on Christmas Day, but San Francisco, in our opinion, carries tbe Palm.

The grand centre of the market should be Daguerreotyed. Those five stalls, Michael O'Brien, L. Miller & Co., Jacob Wray, R. O'Neil, and Wood and Thomnkins, were enough to restore a dying man to his health and appetite again.

Michael O'Brien's Stall displayed the Fat Durham Cow that weighed alive 3,170 pounds; dressed, 1,345 pounds. The price of choice cuts, $1 00 per pound. Here, also, was tbe Prize Mutton, Southdown, 50c per pound, and finer cuts were never shown in the famous " Chop Mouses " of the Strand, London.

L. Miller sj Co. made a grand display of splendid 1!r.',.'.;. . Extra Mutton and Lamb, 18c.; Lamb of rare quality, 25c. This Stall was truly fine.

Jacob Wray, R. O'Neil, and Wood ATuompkius, each made grand shows.

Several heavy Beeves and Sheep, at several Stalls, were very fine. We hope to receive for our New Year's Number several valuable Reports of our entire Markets, which are, indeed, a credit to our State.

The wfole market was dressed with evergreens i flags, stars and rippons, every market-man feeling a pride in having Washington Market, tbe pattern market of the world.