California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 31, Number 6, 25 February 1869 — Page 45 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

GARDEN GROUNDS LAID OUT. THOSE WHO WhH THEIR GARDEN GROUND? renewed and replanted, or those who desire to h»vi (.rounds Deigned and laid out upon Scientific principle and with correct taste and skill, aa Adapted to this Climate. can have thli work done to their satisfaction by catling at this Office, where all tha best works on Oardei ins; can b» found, and where the TRrluui Styles, both Eun pean and American, can be set-n. Grounds of any extent, from ONE THOUSAND ACRES. to small Garden**, in our City, will be dee'jrnod and laid out and the Taitßs, Plants. Sbrul* and Vines, and Bulb* all supplied of the very best variety and reliable quality, and the work done to enmpietu satisfaction, by calling at the Office ut the California Fash* a. None but KducaU-d men ever engaged in such work. Address, VVAI4 RENft CO , Farmer Office. Oltoioo CjS-r*ivi>o VinoN nnd Ont^farflfß, Those wbo desire to secure the very eh.!c*st varieties of Grapes, ither In STRONG RUOTED VINES OR, < « «»« m 1 Ileixltliy Cuttings, Can secure tbe very choicest Many varieties from rooted vioes, that will show fruit trie present year* TUG Ktm.V CIRAPE. ■trong Jointed vines of this very desirable grape, can be had with all otlnsnt FARMER OFFICE. W'nlthnm AVixtcliesi The "P. 8. Bartlet" movement, with extra jawela. Chronometer balance. Patent Oust Cap, Patent Safety Pinion, and all other late impiovenients, in a aolid .1 oa Coin Silver Hunting caie, with Gold Joinla, $27 coin Tbeaame in 4oa oaae, S3O. In 6 oa. oaae, $33 ooin. The "Waltham Watoh Co ." movement with extra Jewela, Chronometer Balance. Patent Doit Can, Patent Safety Pinion, £c , in 3 oa. caae, with Gold Joints,sJo coin. the same in 4 oa. caae, (33. In 5 oa. $3C coin. The "Appleton, Tracy, A Co," movement, with extra Jewels Chronometer Balance, Patent DuatCap, Patent Safety Pinion, in 3 oa ease, Gold Joints, $34 ooin. Th* earn* in 4ta case, $37. In 6oa 110. "P. S Bartlet Watch In two and a half ounce 16 karat Gold Hunting Caae. »-v eoln. "Waltham Watoh Co" U .. 1 h, in two and a half ounce, 18 karat Gold Hal ting esse, »-4 ooin "Appleton Tracy A Co," Watch, in two and a half oa. 18 karat Gold Hunting Caae, 187 coin Any additional weight at »1 per part, o.' $20 p*r ounce •xtra. We will aend any of the above by Wells. Fargo A Co a with bill to oollact on delivery, and giv* the purchaser the privilege to a vaiuine th* watch before paying All Express charges, however, to be paid by the purchaser But if th* amount of th* prio* of ihe Watch is r*Balt**d to ia with th* order, we will prepay th* express oh i gee to San Francisco ourselves. In aending money, drafta on Walla Fargo A Co, ar* preferred W* wish it dlatinotly understood that ihese wat. has aro the very best, and with all the lateat lmprovem. all anil that tbey are in perfect running order, (a guarantee from the manufacturer aocompaniea each watch) and if any one does not perform well, wa will exchange it. Ol srfun.t th* money. Pl**J* state that you saw this ia th* Calif, n ia Farm .HOWARDAIO Jewelers and Mivei.uinb . 619 Broadway, N V In order that all may addraaa va wlih conldsnee, we refer, by p Mesara. WaLI.S, FAKGO A Co, •V to any U their agents on th* Pacific Coast