California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 31, Number 7, 4 March 1869 — Page 50 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Utiscellaiteous. TRTJE'S POTATO PLANTER. This is, undoubtedly, one o, the molt valuable Ma chines, adapted to Agricultural purposes, ever Introduced. It Naves the Labor of 13 Men in Planting- Time. Mattes its own furrow, ou*s tho potato in such alied slices as the fermer may prefer; drops thene piaoes with the most perfect regularity, and covers them perfectly, and does all this as fast M a horse oao walk over any ground that oan be plowed No intelligent farmer can fail to see that an implement with which one man can, with the aid of a horse plant six acres of potitos in a day, Is of inestimable value ; because the days in which planting oan prop erly be done are very few, while he has al) iuhmie and pall in whioh to cultivate and dig. This distinguishes the Potato Plantbr from all other machines. It affords its aid "in the very nick of time/ 1 and trives leisure *o (is ownsr for attending to his other spring work, which would otherwise eithei overwork him or be left undone. The undersigned have the sale of this Grand Labor - Saving Implement for tbe Pact So Coast. We shall also sell " County Rights" for this Implement, and a good Mechanic oan make a fortune with It Particulars and Catalogues can be had at our office. WARREN & CO., 320 Clay street, up stain INVESTMENTS MAOK IN HOME IN3TITUTION3!PROMOTK THE frnrmmt prosperity of the State. It it therefore the Interest of tit who reside* ou this oast, tn eft.-cling Insursae* on their lives, to give tho preference to THE CALIFORNIA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED NOVEMBER 18, 18«7, Capital in U, B. Oold Coin, $100,000 Guarantee Fund, TJ. a Oold Coin, 2,50,000 C E Mc LANE, 8 F BUTTERWOKTH Pretidenl. Viee-Pmidemt DIRECTORS, J MORA MOSS, 0 LAWTON, V STERN, 0 C PRATT, C J BRENHAM, J F MILLER, L L ROBINSON, T II SEI.BY, E CABSERLT L SACHS, 0 ELDREUUE, WM SHARON M D SWEENY, J A DONAHUE, W S LADD. A lIAYWAItII, THOS BELL, I FRIEDLANDBR. C. E McLANE, S F BUTTE WORTH, J II UOODMAN JNO. CROCKETT, Secretary. R T MAXWELL, M I>, ) J C SHORB, MD. I "'hioh Company;offers to retidenU of the Pacific Coast greater advantages than ar. offered by a jy Eastern Company. Bead the Prospectus of thii Company before applying oUewhere Curies oan be obtained at the office of the Company, No IJ MERCHANTS EXCHANGE. W. Tt. WHEATON, t.ciu ml Attend "Vo,lual>le l*nt t-ntw FOR StAT-aHI 1 |We invite the attention of energetic Mechanic, lo ■everal very VALUABLE INVENTIONS. for which we hold the PATENT RIGHT of this State and count for the same. They are eaoh and all of a practical and u'eful r-arac-ter, and are such aa a hand* -n return for labor and capital oan be made from. WAHUEM A CO. EARLY GOODRICH POTATO. Important to Market Gardeners and the Agricultural Public The Uuderaigned, having growing and tested tbe above Potat, f r twoaeaaona, bave no hesitttion In pronounoing it far superior t > any other grown on this ooatt, fur an early Potato, ar.d now offer it for sale. Il ia very early (from tbree to tour weeka .arli.r than any other) good aise, whit, skin, smooth eyes, white dash, ot superior table qualitr, and very productive. L. F. or F. SINDERSON, San Jose, Cal. Agents in San Franciaoo— GRIFFITH A ELLIS, Ne 225 Washington »t<*eet, on. door below Front) and Q. F SILVESTER, No. 317 Washington street. SO-12. BOUND VOLUMES FARMER If Volume, or i 1,.. "California Parmtr" for Tho la.t EKJirT YKARS, uniformly bound, co be kssj at tha Farmer Office at $S par Volumo. Thnae Kl«ht Vulumaa coDtain mora uaaful matter touehh, the practical workiog. of Agriculture aa adapted to Califor nlaCulturethan aiiy Book or Book, Ext.ot, .a ihey ooraprieehundrndaof Experiment., Letter, and Gi.ay, upon th. Culture of Cotton, Rico, Coffee .nd Tobacco; Orapea, Strawbcrriea.and all other Fruit,, with the Culture or Ilopa, Cv tor Beaoa, Flag, Hemp, are. and the Whole aaria. of Eeny of I. Prevoit on Silk Culture, from wrly twinning. Thlaaetuf Vulumea would be a Library nt llniraad ia valuable to the Cultivator of the Soil. Order, aant to Farmer Office will b. promptly utended to