California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 31, Number 8, 11 March 1869 — Page 58 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Ulisccllancflus. TETJE'S POTATO PLANTER. Thislfls, undoubtedly, on* o, th* most valuable Machineaj adapted to Agricultural purposes] ever introduced. It Saves the Labor of 12 Mien in Planting Time. Makes Its own furrow, cuts the potato In aueh sited siloes as the fsrmer mar prefer; drops these pieces with the most perfect regularity, and eovera them parfeotly, and doea all this as fast aa a horse oan walk over any ground that can be plowed. No Intelligent farmer can fail to ace that an implement with whioh one man can, with the aid of a horse plant six acres of potato* la a day. Is of inestimable value ; because the days in whlob planting can prop erly be done are very few, while he haa all sdmmib and fall In whioh to cultivate and dig. This distinguishes the Potato Plants ii from all other machines. It affords its aid "in tho very nick of time," and gives leisure to its ownar for attending to his ether spring work, which would otherwise elthet overwork him or be left undone. The undersigned have the sale of this Grand Laborsaving Implement for tbs Paciflo Coast. We shall alao sell " County Rights" for this Implement, and a good Mechanic can make a fortune with it Particulars and Catalogues oan be had at our office. WARREN & CO., 320 Clay street, up stairs. INVESTMENTS MADE IN HOME IHBTITUTIOK3IPROMOTE THE general prosperity of the Bute. It is therefore the Interest ofnll who reside on this const, Id effecting Insurance on their lives, to give the preference to THE CALIFORNIA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED NOVEMBER 10, 1807, Capital In TJ. B. Oold Coin, $100,000 Guarantee Fund, TJ. 8. Oold Coin, 2.50.000 C B Mi LAN K. 8 F BUTTER WORTH Pretident. Vict-Prttidnt DIRECTORS, J MORA MO9B, O LAWTON, D STERN, 0 C PRATT, CJItIt X N 11 AM. J F MILLER, L L ROBINSON, T H SDl.ltV. E CASSERLY I. SACHS, OELDREDQE, WM SHARON M V SWEENY, J A OONAIIOE, W S LADD. A HAYV7ARD, THOS BELL, I FRIEDLANDER. C. E McLANK, S F BUTTEWORTH, i H GOODMAN JNO. CROCKETT, Sccrttary. R T MAXWELL, M I>, 1 J C BUORB, M D. j Which Company; offers to residents of the Pacific Coast greater advantages than ar* offered by any Eastern Company. Read the Prospeotusof this Company before applying elsewhere Corias can be obtained at tbe office of tha Company, No. 13 MERCHANTS) EXCHANGEW. JR. WHEATON, General Agent > r aluial>lo Patents FOII SAIjE 1 |W« invite the attention of energetia Mechanics' to several very VALUABLE INVENTIONS' for whicb we hold the PATENT RIGHT of this Stat* and coast for the same. They are each and all of apraotioel and useful.-harac-ter, and are auoh as a handicm*- return for labor and eatutel can b* mad* fromWARREN A CO. EARLY GOODRICH POTATO. Important to Market Gardeners and.' the Agricultural Public. Th* Uud»rsign*d, having growing and tested the above > for two seasons, hare no hesitation In pronouncing it far superior to any other grown on this coast, for an early Potato, and now offer it for sale. It ia very early (from three to four weeks earlier than any other) good alae, white akin, smooth eyes, white flesh, ot superior table quality, snd very productive L V or V SANDERSON, San Jos*, Cel. Ag*nt* In San Francisco—GßlFFlTH A ELLIS, No 225 Washington itreat, on* door below Front; and <». t SILVESTER, No. 317 Washington street 50-12. BOUND VOLUMES FARMER |y Volumes of tn« "California Punur" Tor The last EIGHT YEARS, uniformly bound, can be had at the Parmer Office nt $4 per Volume. These Eight Volume* contain more useful matter tournln the practical workings of Agriculture as adspted to California Culture thnn any Book or Book* Extant, aa they com prise hundredaof Experiment!, Letters and Eitaya upon the Culture of Cotton, Rice, Coffee anJ Tobacco, Grapes, Strawberries, and all other Fruits, with tho Culture of Hops, Caa tor Beana, Flax, Hemp, Ac. and the Whole aeries of Etaay of L Pre»o*t on Silk Culture, frutn early beglunlng. Thli aetuf Volumes would be a Library of lise'f and In valuable tv the Cultivator of the floll. Ordera sent to Fsrmer Office will be promptly attended lc