California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 31, Number 8, 11 March 1869 — THE PLANTING SEASON. [ARTICLE]


Tbere has never yet been a season so favorable for Planting as bas been the present season, and well bas it been improved.

The opportunity for plowing and preparing the land bas been extended to a later period than ever before. Even now, near the middle of Mircb, thousands of acres are cli.l tting plowed—much ol it will remain as "Fallowed land, " but a large quantity will be planted to various crops, such a„< Flu, Hemp, Castor Bean, Hops, the Mulberry, and to root crops, and a large number of acres will be wisely pi tnted to Small Fruits, such as lilackberries, Raspberries, .Strawberries, Currants, etc., for it is well understood by wise one's, that small fruits will pay well the next five years, and well will it be for those who have large plantations of these fruita.

There is some fearful ones who are now croaking about the weather —"it id too dry," and this is but an effort of speculators to raise the price of grain, or of the tbougblesa onea who cannot read nature. lUin will come all in gocd time. "He doeth all things will " The hopeful and the trusting will now see the "cloud no bigger than tbe baud" yet it ia tbe ' band of plenty." Iv a little while the clouds will break and the ' Rim Drops ' will cast tbeir refreshing fatness upon tbe upapringing grain. The "Lighlniogs'' too, will fl ish to purify tbe air, and tho "Thunders" will echo over bill and Valley, proclaiming ever that "God is good," giving Uis "early and His latter rains" alike oo tbe just and on tbe unjust.

Tbat our season will be one of Plenly no one can doubt for a mument. Tbe early blossoming of our fruit orchards bave been delayed, yet fortunately they are now beyond tbe season of Frost and therefore we bave reason to be very thankful, for tbe present sigos are, an abundant crop. Tne trees are now budding forth in tbeir luxuriance, and the earth is putting on its robe of beautiful spring Flowers. ' The earth is lull of His Glory."