California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 32, Number 6, 26 August 1869 — Page 45 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Itffo Jbbwlisenunts. PIONEER CROCKERY WAREHOUSE. HAYNES & LAWTON •ILL AT WHOLMMALB AMD retail, crock ERY, GLASS, ANaO OHINA WARES. OUR SILVER-PLATED COODS Art all Pitted kf tbe Pacific Plate Works, For which we are Agent*, thoir Manilla -'nry being up. on our pretuiiss. TEA SETTS, CASTORS, & CAKE BASKETS Cpn be had Plated a> bearilr as desired. OUR SP< )OXS AN D F< »KKS Are Bill sum pel with the □acne "pacific ri.iTEirmi; And are fully guarantee]. Orders from the interior, and letters asking information, will receive immediate attention from us, Tbe most careful packers are employed, and no difficulty ueed be apprehended in having goods reach their destination in good order. HAYNES & LAWTON, 2 6, 218, 220, 222 SANSUME STREET, SAINT FHANOISOO, Aud 183 Main Street Stockton. 51 ' LAKE VINEYARD WINE COMPANY. 'feSl^vu^ We desire to call the attent on < f the Trade to our large sfrk of the celebrated I.aki amd Mot sjh Visata>i> Wines, and choice aasortment of Winei and Brandies from the best Vineyards of California. These winea, bearing our trade-mark on package, label, and seal, we guarantee of uniform good quality, inferior to none, and ready for sa*e shipment to any part of the world Orderi for .he Atlantic States will be Ailed by our New York B tie from their depot, at No 15 Murray Street, New York The Lake Vineyard Wine Co Corner Broadway aui Battery Streets, May Ist, l*j9 San Francisco 33 I INTERNATIONAL LA> I) Ac LABOB T/AKM3 OF AMY Ml OK PRICK IN ANY OF THK V \'a ted States sold. t> English purchasers for One per cent commission, to be paid by the owaer on *iivt: ».* poshdssion. Owners of farms most forward deliile i and accurate descriptions, with lowest cash price or be t terms, and allow three month*' time t»the Agency to obtain I-. . purchasers. Knglise laborers of every occupation sjj] pile) Is order .• •, i p. l :. lied mecb inici of my, gardener?*, grooms, farm laborers, e'e ; also governesses female clerks, and domestic servant', each with satisfactory lecommendations as to character and ahiluv For further particuars, aeirers, J M HOLsmES, >, ■ft of International li■. i m./ t.a*or A#rm y, Hirninfkom, England m CAST-STEEL DAIRY KNIVES \IfE HAVK • RhCKI VXD IN.OITKS OK THK CXI.X \\ hkatk l> Cast-Stsfel Dairy Knives, M.nui.etured by D 0. Young ot New V.ok. W- them ot .11 .lit.. Iron, th.»c ol lOIK BI.ADKS to cut FIFTKKH INCHES, up to THIRTEEN HI.ADEi to cut T VKNTY trans I: ■ Knlre. are ol rery gre«t advantage to I>airymen, .n* .re worthy their .Mention. For sale by WARKBI A I «>., Tanner OtJco," ill Cl.y Street, up Hair.