California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 32, Number 23, 6 January 1870 — Page 179 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Iftistellaueons. A MONTHLY PAPER * t w AT ONLY % £ 50 CENTS PER YEAR. Q o S »"v Devoted solely to small FruUi, and Vegetable >J a«d Home's Adornment The Kdhor ha- hid a hj W lifetime oi prActi al experience, an< now hAs ►j > 3 0 acres ltto Small Fruits. He takes or ex'-hnnges JJT for every agricultural and horticultural puper printed In the Uuited States and Cfenada' and axtraaOta from iach, all practical matter pertaining tn these - J Interesting subject*, that readersol thia paper get M the cbram of allthfcse publications. A practical story * entitled "KRpRCTATiojfa ItIUM »." will begin tn Pthe January number, telling how n person flrat grew a frulti for his family use, ana then snpp iod his village *»> « market, and tinally worked into a very extensive and r profitable business; also un- Editor's *' Ramblt and £C Jottii-tfa over the Fruit-Farm." Besides correspond- , ence from all parts ol' the United Htates and Canada C from practical fruit growers and tlowor fanciers. r*m] Splendid inducements ottered to those getting up PJ J clubs, for particulars send stamp for our heautllul rH and attractive show bill and "Dub Circular." Sample / X «rfj aopies of Recorder sent with show bill. Address l2[ A. M PUROY, Palmyra, N. V, [TJ The show bill is eqceodingly beautiful and well v 0Q worth examination. H Miiiir-" GARDEN GROUNDS LAID OUT. THOSE WHO WIBH THEIR GARDEN OROUND- 1 renewed and replanted, or those who desire to hay. Grounds Designed and laid out upon Scientific principles, and witb correct taste and skill, aa Adapted to this Glimate, can have this work done to their satisfaction by calling al this OfHce, where all tbe best works on Gardening can bt found, and where the various Styles, both Eurcpean and American, can be seen. Grounds of any extent, from ONE THOUSAND ACRES, to small Gardens, in our City, will be designed and laid out and the Treks, Plants, Shrubs and Viues, and Bulbf) all supplied ofthe very btist variety suit reliable quality, and tbe work done to complete satisfaction, by calling at the Office ol the California Parhrr. None but Educated men ever engaged In such work. Address WAftREN A CO., Parmer Office. VIOK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. The First Edition of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Copiesof Vn k Illustrated Catalogue of Scene nil Floral (loins, is published and read, to send out Tt is elegantly printed on fine tinted paper, with about '200 One wood Engraving;! of Flowera and Vegetables, and a beautiful Colored Platb—eoniistinat of seven varieties of Phlox lirummondii, making a fine BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. It is the most beautiful, as wall as the moat inetiuotive Floral Ouide publiahed, giving plain and thorough directions for tbe CULTURE OF FLOWERS $ VEOETA IiLES. Tha Floral Ouide ia publiahed tor tbe benefit of my ouatomera, to whom it is sent free without application, but will be forwarded to all wbo apply by mail, for TEN CENTS, which ia not half tha coat Addreaa, JAMKS VIIK, 32 !N Koehcatcr, S. V. >, i :\v < HOP, into, FOR THE VEGETABLE AND FLOWER GARDEN. Oraaa SeH», Hi. Id Seeds, Evergreen Planta, Roses, Dahllaa Verbenas, (iladioloa, Grape Vines, Small Fruits, Asparagus, Hoots, Early PoUtopa, Oeioi. Sets, Books, Implement are. DREER S GARDEN CALENDER euntaiulng hill dee erlpttve lists ofthe above, with directions and Illustrations will be mailed on receipt of a poitage stamp. DEALERS SUPPLIED on liberal taimi. A who'eaals catalogue (for Dealers only) will be mailed on application. Addreaa 111 Nil V A DREER, 714 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa ~11'Iimi makea It valuable la Iterance tt conVV tains so much practical, original matter in auch a small space." John J. Thomas. ''The directions for growing Strawberri.a and Kaapberrles are the best I have ever seen.' —Henry Ward Beecher. We could give hundred* of juat suoh teatlmoniala, ahowing the value of thia little work- It ahould be in handa of every peisn, whether the owner of a rod.quare of ground or a hundred acres. Tree agentaahould nave aoopy. It contains 40 pages. Price 10 eenta. Fall prioe liat, whoieaale and retail, and alao terms to agents and tho.e desiring to get up a club for plan's sent rasa to all applicant.. Parties at the south should order planta tv the fall. Addreaa FIIRDY .4 JOHNSTON, Palmyra, N. Y. or PURDY A U NCB, South Bend, Ind. iti:i: KEEPER'S DIRECTORY. lay J. S. HARBISON. Apiarian, Sacramento. BOOK HAS BEEN PREPARED " v J,,B,n< " itreat care and the de vaSxaaßxaar votion ~f much time. Frjm the eiperienee of many yeara aa an Apia'ian, the Author haa given results that must be of great value to all who have Bees. Every person who contemplalea keeping of Beea ahould have thia book, a volume of over 400 pegea, fully Hluatrated, price only aVifiO. For Sale at Ihe Farmer office WARREN <Sc 00. ORANGE SEED. rrtitosK who wish to raise trees for an X ORAtWR PLANTAIWN, Can ..btaln SUPERIOR SKED at tha farmer officb