California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 32, Number 24, 13 January 1870 — Page 189 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NEW YORK TRIBUNE. THE LATEST AND CHEAPEST. THE GREAT FARMERS' PAPER! Tiie Paper of tbe People. Now is the Time to Subscribe for tbe GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. IT IS CHEAP BECAUSE ITS CIRCULATION IS LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER. NOW IS THE TIME TO FORM CLUBS. Tbe New York Weekly Tribune Contains all the Important Editorials publiahed in the DAILY TRIBUNE, except thoae of merely local interest*, alao Literary and Scientific Intelligence; Reviews of th moat interesting and important New Booka; letters from our large corps of Correspondents; latest newa reeetved by Telegraph from all parts ofthe world; a summary of all important intelligence in this oity and elsewhere; a Synopsis of tho Proceedings of Congress and State Legislature when in session- Foreign Newa received by every steamer; Exclusive Reports of tha Proceedings of the Farmers' Club of the American Institute; Ta ks about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultural Information eaaential to country residents, by one of the most successful Horticulturist ;,nd Garden era in the country; .-tick, Finanoial, Cattle Dry Gooda, and General Market Reports. Tbe Fall Reports of the American Institute Farmers' Club, and the various Agricultural Reports, in each number, are richly worth a year'asubaorlptlon. VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. To make the TRIBUNE still more valuable to its readers we have engaged Prof James Law, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell University, to answer questions and prescribe for diseases of Horses Cattle, Sheep, and other domestic animals. This new feature in the Agricultural Department ofthe TRIBUNE we are sure wilt add much to ita value. In short we Intend tbat the TRIBUNE ahall keep In the advance in ail that con concerns tha Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining and other interests of the ooun rv, and that for variety and completeness, it shall remain altogether the most valuable, interesting and in-tractive newspa)>er published in the world. Ever since its comme .cement, the WEEKLY' TRIBUNE has been an authority upon the farm, It haa been well observed tbat a careful reading and study of the Farmers' Club reports In the WEEKLY TRIBUNE alone will save a farmer hundreds of dollara In hia crop. In addition S) thaae reports, we ahall continue to print the beat thinga written on the subject of agriculture by American and Foreign writets, and shall in crease these features from year to year; as it is no prudent farmer can do without It; aa a lesson lo his workmen alone, every farmer should plaoe the WEFKLY TRIBUMB U|>on his table every Saturday evening. THE TRIBUNE is the best and cheapest paper in the ooantry. This is not said In a spirit of boastfulnets We do not claim any essential saperiirity over our neighbors, except the superiority of place and opportunity. It haa fallen to New York to oreate the greatest newspapers of theoountry. Here concentrate the commerce, the manufactures, the mineral re c ourcea, the agricultural wealth of the Hepub.tV Here all the newa gathers, acd the patronage ia ao large that j >u-n allets oan afford to print it. A newspaper can be made in New York for half the money, and yet with twiea the valneof newspapers elsewhere. This is the strength of the TRIBUNB. Wa print the cheapest, and best edited weekly newspaper in tbe country. We have all the advantages around us We have great Daily and SemiWeekly editions All the elaborate and intricate machinery of our est. thli-hmen' -perhaps i lie most complete in America—is dcv ted tothe parpose of making TUB WEEKLY TRIBUNB the best and cheapest newspaper in the world The result is that we have so ayatematiaed and expaoded our resources that every copy of tha WEEKLY' TRIBUNE contains as much matter as a duodictmo volume Thick of it! For two dollars, tba subscriber tothe TRIBUNE for one year buys aa much reading matter aa thcugh he filled a shelf of his library with fifty volume, containing the greatest works in the language The force of cheap ness can no further go. THE WEEKLY IRIBUNEisthe paper of the poo rtfl. Here the eager student may learn tbe last iessoos of science Here the scholar may road reviews of the best books. Here may be found correspondence from ail parts of the world, the observat.ons of sincere and giltid men, who serve THE TRIBUNE iaal-aoat every country. THE TRIBUNE is strong by reason of iv enormous circulation and gieat cheapness It has l ing been conceded tlat IHE WEEKLY TBI BUN I has the largest circulation of any newspaper in tbe country. For yeara we have printed twice as many papers, perhaps as all of tbeolher weekly edit ons of the city dailies combined This ia why we aro enabled to do oar work so thoroughly and cheaply The larger our circulation, the better paper we can make What are the practical tuggestioni Many Let ever? subscriber reneer his eu--acrt| tion and urge his neighbor lo do tha same If a man cannot afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a club I y inducing his neighbors to subscribe, and we shall send biui a copy gratis for his trouble No newspaper 8" large and complete as THE W r.KKLY TRIBUNE was ever before offered at soh'W a price Even when our currency waa at pai with gold no suob paper but THE TRIBUNE waa tiered at lhat price; and THE TRIBUNE than cost us far lea than it now does We have si Ived the problem of uiaking the best and cheapest newapaper in America—peiha) am the world. Let us see if wa cannot give it a million weekly circul tion. TERMS OF TIIE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. TO M*IL SUBSCRIBERS Ona copy, one year, 52 issues N 00 ■> copies, ;10 copies, tooae address. (1 50 each (and ona extra copy); 10 copies, to names of sub scribers, at o c Post office, tl tiJ each land one extra copy); id copies, to ona address, tl -'seach (and one extra oopy); ii) uoplee. to namea of sub writers, at oae 15 each (and one extra oopy); 50 oop4as, t ■ ona addreas, tl each (aad ona extra copy); 50 ooplea, to namea of subscriber* atone Poal-'imoe, tl 10 each tan.i one extra copy ) , t nsS Sjfl Jtat