California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 34, Number 3, 28 July 1870 — Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

GAKUEN GROtfnllM LAID OUT. nflßOll WHO WISH THEIR GARDKN (.ROUND.* I renewed and replanted, or those who desire to hart Grounds Designed and laid out upon Scientific principles and with correct taste and skill, se Adapted to this Climate can have this work done to their satisfaction by callings, thia Office, where all the best works on Oardeting can bt tound, and where the various Styles, both Kurcpean and American, can be seen. Grounds of any extent, frjpm ONE THOUSAND ACRES. to email fiardene, In our City, will he designed and laid out end the Taaaa, Plants, flhruba and Vines, and Bulbs all supplied of the very beat variety and reliable quality, and the work done to complete aatisfaction, by calling at the Office of the California Kaaaraa. Nooebut Kducated men ever engaged In such work. Addreae WAHKKN A CO., Farmer Ohio.

U Bftrgraiii! |J Fine Homestea'l on the Mountains!! A very fine COTTAOK HOME, In Eldorado County, containing Twenty Acre* of Choice Lanl-pleasantly sUu • ated, rtnd -ith pleasant surroundtnft*. A handsome Cottage H use ot Fire Rooms on the first floor, and Two above, witb every convenient arrangement for Family Oomtort—Closets, Hafh room, Cellar under honse, etc. The outbuildings are, a (rood Carr'age House, Wood shed, Catekesi House, etc. A Vineyard Of Five Acres, His and Eight ye from which 1,500 (iallons of Wine have been Year. A good Orchard of M><) Trees, Five t i Seven Years Old, all 4 food Varietka of Frui'. The (•''even Acr -a' •«lance of I.nuH is best tor Orchard, V nevart, or Oard-n 0< tivatton. There is any quantity o "uaet« Sam's" laud, of Bear Qualify, that can b' had at Settler's Prices. Th-* House is nic-ly tunilshed, and, to a person ol taste, this place can be made a " little Pa dtae " TheHn U r«eHnd(J-ounl# will BetoM a OIIKAT BARGAIN, II applied f.rfnTn-ditte'y.Hndwil: ••old for Less then the »'ost of the ft . I-1 Apply to Editor -if Fakmib. 53-3. WHO MAKES SCRAP BOOKS TiB mid "In tbe making of Hooka tbere is no End," and we know tbere are many person! wbo are always interested in making Scrap Hook.-, now to all such persons, we have some very im portant information which will benefit tl,era. It will be seen by our advertisement of Old Nawst'it'Cs res Hals, that we can furnish just tbe riuA/ material fo' Scrap Bookt, for we have in ibis collection of Old Newspapers, a scries of papers of 10 to 10 years and from every State in the Union, and nlso BuroptM papers; ilso select scientific and literar' papers, Journals nf all kind , In these papers wi I he found much of the best Poetry of the age, alts) Stories, Anecdotes, Recipes Ac , all very valuable, and these we si a 1 offer at the low rate ol $2.50 to $3, per hundre 1 Many of these are 11, lt> and 20 pine pamphlet? and magntines nod other periodicals, those who want these MllaateMM Will addres* EDITOR CAL FARMER CAREFUL DIRECTIONS. We woald most partlcnlarly deeire our correspondents to be very careful In sending their Letters, Order, aod Remit tauce to ua, aa there are several firma ot Warreu A Co., and unless the address la very plainly marked, mistake* will aria*. All Letter*, Ordere, Parcels, Ac., Intended for this offle ahould be addreaaed WAKRICSJ CO.. California Parmer Offlr*r AI.SIK X CLOVER—LAWN OR ASH This valuable Clover to highly esteemed abroad oan be had at oar Office. Also English Lawn firaises of l ast kinds at FARMER OFFICE.