California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 36, Number 16, 19 October 1871 — Page 127 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

1871! 18711 1871! THE CALIFORNIA FARMER, The Pioneer Herald OF AGRICULTURE. Xtetablialied Afe*s4, THE Only Agricultural Paoer lIV CALIFORNIA., Devoted Ln in.iv ij TO THIS GREAT INTEREST OF THE 3TATI 18 7 1! NEW ANNOUNCEMENT FOR OUR EIGHTEENTH YEAR. Great Tt<»<lti>«t ion FOR THE "California Farmer* 19 FOR Volume Thirty-six. NEW TERMS FOR 1871. The rollowlDK are our new Ternu for tne FARMER : Single Copies... $4 00 Six Copies „ 20.00 Ten Copies 35.00 Twenty Copies 65.00 Fifty Copies 150.00

THE' CALIFORNIA;. FARM EE fIAB.BEK.N- ESTABLISHED BEVENT E !£ifis Circulate! over the whole Coast, in every par] of tha United States and largtlr in Europe, Mexico and Seuth America. AGENTS WANTED. LIBERAL RATES FOR GOOD RELIABLE EDUCATED MEN AS TRAVELING AGENTS' THE CALIFOFNIA FARMER. A GRAND ADVERTISING MEDIUM.' CITY SUBSCRIBERS DELIVERED AT THEIR RESIDENCES. $i 00. S n l> s, t» i* i 1> & ,IV o w . WrVRREN & CO.. Editors and Publisher!, 310 Clau St., San Francisco. ORANGE, LEMON AND LIME TREES. Those who desire to make Plantations of this most desirable Fruit, can now be supplies witb tbe Ten choicest varieties of trees front on* foot ta four feel high. Samples of these Trees can be seen by cellina* at the Faaaaa Orrica, or any information ran be had on application addressed EDITOR FARMER. 20,000 NEWSPAPERS. We have Twsrvv limraaon Newspapers—Newspaper* of ibe larire't sis* amine our Exchange*, suitable for Waarrne Paris for Dry Quods, Clothiag, etc —ALSO— TEN THOUSAND Of tk* beet Asrioultnrai Papers knoire, enmprtsiag onr rarious Af riooltural Exchanges from all the tiastatn Matss and Europe Fanners wh ■ woulJ like valuable realms matter, which ooatala ohoiee Essays aad Letat* on Aartoaltarai matters ian hare these at lew I atesei the 100 Apply at *,TARMM OFFICI.