California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 37, Number 15, 18 April 1872 — Page 118 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LELAND STANFORD, Preslden t H. F. HASTINGS, Vice Preaidentt JOS. CRACKBON, - Secretary. lj) i^^ot^e^E, a <t}eneicU ogfMo,

LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND RESERVED FUNDS, All Liable for all Fire Losses. $20,000,000,00! Assets in the United States over $3,000,000,00! W. B. JOHNSTON. OBNKRAL AGKIfT, 3T.S 43!* Callfamla Street. & IMPORTANT If TO NURSERfMrSN, GARDENERS AND AMATEUR FLORISTS.. We beg to announce tne arrival of |tbe choicest an best assorted collection of Hare Seeds ever received on this Coast. They bave been selected with the greatest care, from the first bouses in Europe, 1 and are comprised of Kvrrgmu aad Deelduoua Treea and Shrnbi, Rare and Beautiful Perestlala Bcnsitale, Annual*, Kl. .. Btc. also, new and ohoioe Vegetables; the assortment it ' worthy the attention of all who admire the beautiful: and alto the particular attention of gardeners who are anzionsto secure something rare and new in the Vegeable kingdom. We ahall stud them out in small parcels or individual packeta, so that many may have the chance of securing tbe collection- Orders ezeeuted in rotation, and earefolly packed for mailing any distance. Persons remitting us Five Dollars, will have collections of Seeds sent them, worth intrinsioally doable the amount. VALUABLE PLANTS FOR SALE. PERSONS WHO ARB DESIROUS OF SECURING A few vary choice and pretty specimens of rare PLafra IN Pots can be suited at tbe gardens of tbe subscribers, where strong and Haaxrirr Plants, of all kinds can now be bad in any quantity. These planta and vines are of our own growing, and we have taken the greatest care to grow the beat kinds, and to so cultivate aa to make them hardy tn their nature. These planta have been raised in tbe open air, exposed to the sun and drying winds, so aa to giro them vigor, and when removed to other places—to gardaoa I n the country or to i conservatoriee or to parlor windows for house cultivation— thay will prove strong and healthy, and he sure to tlourlah and grow far better tban planta that hare been raised tn greenbouses and grown weak and tender. We invite our Bubeorlbera and Patrona—all wbo wlah col lections of CHOICE PLANTS, VINES and SHRUBS to call j on aa and see our collections, and we will offer them great in- . ducementa to purchaae of ua WAItRr.N A CO., Farmer Ojire. The Choicest Poultry. The Choicett Breed* of Poultry can now be bad at much below tbe utual rates. The following kind* will be offered by a careul Breeder atjreduced rate* in Triot: Light Brahma*, Dark Brahma*, Wbite Leghorn*, Black Spanish, Pure. All tba above will now be offered at'much below tbe usual rate* to tbose who with Choice Poultry. Apply at FARMER OFFICB.