California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 38, Number 11, 26 September 1872 — Page 82 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OIL CAKE MEAL. THE BEST FEED KNOWN FOR, LIVE STOCK. WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION TO OIL CAKE MEAL, which we are now manufacturing. No description of faed ao greatly promote* the health ofaat. malt aa Oil Cake Meal, and we urgently request all engaged Id the dairy but Id eta, raising and fattening stock, or wool » rowing, to glre tt a trial, leoilug confident tbat they wHJ nd It ol rery great vjdue. By those who hare used It thor. ougbiy, ONE pound It pronounced to be equal to two pounds of Corn Meal* and In the United Statea Government Report of the Department ol Agriculture lor 1885, II stands In tha following relation to other feeds as to the percentage of flesh produced Irom a hundred pounds of feed, via: Indian Corn Meal, 11 per cent; Barley Meal, 13 per cent: Oat Meal, 18 percent; Oil Cake Meal, W 'J-100per cent. For life-am talning properties to all,stock tx*» * ad to sudden changes of weather or over-driving 4 ha* ao For MILCH COWS It la paitlcmlarlv valuable, increasing the quantity ol milk and proving Its <i lallty to afar greater extent than any load known, a aultabla quantity for Ihi nr. at the commencement la one qnart morning and ona quart at night, either alone or mixed with any other food* fieuerally ralzod with tbe math of bran, slops, roots, or out eed of any kind Itlmprovtalt to soak It for six or eight hours, tbe effect being to incisaselts bulk two or thaee times. The quantity can be Increased giadually, according to the effect produced—ordinarily rat exceeding three or lout quart* per dajr. FOR BEEF CATTLE It has fattening properties whicb oannotbe found In any other teed—- the beef always being more tender and Jucy aud ol a much finer quality than wben fattened on any other feed and no feed known will so quicklvprepare animals for market as Oil Cake MeaL, FOR HORSE4a small quantity given dally promotes thalr heatlh, and Is especially valuable for them when chilled or Injured from ore-driving. It Is one of the best remedies known for Horses subject to the Heaves or Rheumatism, and greatly ncreases the cleanliness and evenness and glos slness of the hair. FOR SHREP there Is no article of food known that pro duces such fine mutton or ao promotes the growth of wool A small quantity given to chilled Cattle or Sheep will keep them alive and greatly Increase their warmth and vitality At present price 'tJOper ton,)lt Is the cheapest feed market. Hls now selling In New York at 949 por toa, gold*, at $50 per ton in England.where Ithas been pr-iren lor longtime to be In ererr respect tbe most profitable feat] known for stock of all kinds—one ton being fully equal rto three tonaof bran. Thelncreaslng demand for this meal from those on this coast by whom Ft has been thoroughly tested, ha* induced ut tolncreaaeourfacilltleeforlta manufacture,and we are now fully prepared to furnish It In quantities as may be desired. Forsale by the Grain and Feed Dealers, and at the Manufactory, King street, near Third. All orders will receive prompt attention. Add rasa— PACIFIC OIL & LEAD WORKS, SOS 3 AND 5 FRONT STREET, Saeraraento. WALTER BROWN & SON, WOOL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J3«J and 2t-3 I'ark Place, 31 and 33 Barclay Street, PWALTER MOWN. KVW VORR HENRY T. BROWN. llxjtv AUlvn, Consignments Solicited, and adranoei made If required. natit NEW VARIETIES FRUIT TRESS, PLANTS, *c. We observe amoog tbe many Nursery Catalogued received by us, large numbers of Nsvr VaRisTits of Kafir, Ornambntal Tbsbs, Plants, Shrubs, wbicb are offered by tbeae Nurserymen and Florists, and to all eneti we would advise tbem to make themselves acquainted with Calioruia, for here a large field opens up to them (or tbe introduction and sale of nil new and deeva.. ble varieties in the departments of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Floiioolture. Judicious advertising of tbeir new varieties may often secure great results for them. We invite all Nurserymen and growers of Trees aod Plants to send their business to tbe columns ol tbe California Fabubb as a means of increasing their sales. ■Baj Al»aTT~> A T.T GREAT SHEEP BOOK. RANDALL'S NEW EDITION OK "The Practical Shepherd" Just received in euantttiee Every Sheep-raiser in the State should have a oopy. Prloe at the Farmer Oflee, t'.o l i by Mall or Ei |iresi,[eharge j paid,' $2.50. Scad orders to the Farmer Office. WARREN A 00. GARDENERS WANTED. Two liist-rale, well-educated and experienced Gardeners, those tbat fully understand their basin. • in all its branches, can find good places and permanent ones, at full wages. English, Scotch or Oterm .will be preferred. Apply at this Office. CHEESE CURD CUTTERS. Dairymen will find the Cheese Curd Cutters advertised by us as the very best kind, they are tbe Young's Patsbt. For sale at the Fahjikb OOice. power. IOn'V^a^TIIEADWELLStCO "TUB HOADLEY" is the Perfection of the Portable Engine For sale, with or without wheel*, at Machine f tt Depot of TREADWELL A CO., Market, head l"' Frontfrtreet, SaajFraneiseo. x