California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences, Volume 39, Number 5, 20 February 1873 — Page 34 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

, Harness, Saddles. MAIN & WINCHESTER i Manufactnrers Importers of I HARNESS, . Saddlos, Qrid lo - [ WHI P 8 , COLLAR SADDLE-WARE. *C . Noi. 214 and 216 Battorv itreet, SAN FRANCISCO' ■a*' Io correct an erroneous impression which some may have, we wish it understood that though we keep he largest Wholesale Stock in the country, smal; Orders and Retail Customers will receive every atten tion and benefit that they can at smaller establish mentsFARMERS aud others will do well to call on s before purchasing, as the rate of Eastern Exohange justifies us ii oTiring goods at REDUCED RATES. N. B.— , We have tha exclusive sale of HILLS CONCORD HARNESS for the Pacific. Coast. AITKEN ate CO., PREMIUM PIONEER MARBLE WORKS. 177 X Street, between Sixth and Seventh, Saoramento. afONUMKNTS, TOMB AND OKAVK STONE*, MANTLES, TABLE TOPS, WASH STANDS, Ect All kinds of Work done in Indian Diggings, Italian and Vermmt Marble. Sculpture and Ornamental Work done In Superior Style. A. aITKKN. SBBAIL LB CE 38 11 OIL I»^F»EJ£*, Will Shed Water, Air and Dampness. It is what every Nurseryman wants for Mailing and Packing Plants, Vines, Rosea, dc. Druggists, Chemists and others use it in dead of Wax for covering mouths ot Jars, Bottles, or any articles t hat need to be from c air and moisture, FOH ARTISTS. It being transparent, it is used (or Drawing.iSketehing and Tracing. Also adapro i for Sohools where these bnnohes are taught For Tracing it is an amusement for children(use PABER'S No 2 or Drawing Pencils.) For Sale at FARMbR OFFICE _ . « TRTJE'S ■ vi m- w«x « » w mamm POTATO PLANTER, c Thia is undoubtedly, one of the moat valuable Machines adapted to Agricultural purposes ever introduced. 1 IT SAVES THE LABOR OF TWELVB MEN IN PLANTING TIME. Makes Its own furrow, cuta the potato In auoh siaep siloes as the farmer may prefer; dmpstheae piecea with the most perfeot regularity, and oovera them perfectly and doea all thia aa fast as a horse can walk over any ground that can he plowed No Intelligent farmer can rail to see that an lmnlo i ment with which one man can, with the aid of a horae t plant aix acres of potatoa in a day, ia of inestimable valua - because the days in which plihtiko can prop rly be none are very few, while he has all aimm km | and pall in which to cultivate and dig Thia distinguishes the Potato Plantxb from all other machines. It affords its aid "in tha very nick of time," and gives leisure *o its owner for attending to hia other spring work, which would otherwise eithe< I overwork him or be left undone. \ The undersigned have tha aala of thia Grand Labor- . Saving Implement for tbe Pacific Coaat. We shall also sell ' County Rights" for thia Imple i ment, and a good Mechanic can make a fortune with it Partieulara and Catalogues can be had at our offlce. WARREN * CO. . T2O Clay atreet. up stairs SURPRISE OATS. - A small lot of these Superior Oate can be bad , at tne Farmxb Orrici. Alao, tbe Russian Black Oats, a very choice variety, the only lot in thia market. Apply at FARMER OFFICE. DURHAM AND DEVON BULLS WANTED Stock men having euperior Durham and Devon Bulls ter Sale, can find purchasers if tbey will send descriptions of the same, Color, Age, and full character, with tbe Pedigree of same and tbe ] lowest price. Address J. G. L., 89,. FARMER OFFICK.